Posted: February 4th, 2015

Statistical Physics

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Statistical physics of disordered systems


This is an out line that I wish you could follow. Also, please add pictures and equations to support each section. I’ll add a pdf file that I think can help you



  1. Introduction

1.1.1 Ferromagnetism.

  • . The conflict of disorder.

1.2.1 Microscopic and Macroscopic level

  • . Molecular ordering.
  1. Gibbsian formalism for disordered lattice spin systems; metastates

2.1. Regular random interactions.

2.2 Infinite volumes and its existence.


  1. Random Gibbs states

3.1. Uniqueness.

3.2. Non-uniqueness.

3.2.1 Phase transitions.


  1. Mean field models.
    • . Gaussian processes

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