Posted: August 20th, 2015

statistics (mean, median, mode)

statistics (mean, median, mode)
1. Write 1 to 3 sentences describing how the data (numbers) for each situation would be gathered and how the data would look when graphed – ie positively skewed, symmetric or negatively skewed (based on the summary numbers (mean, median and mode).

2. WHY would this data be distributed like this? What is happening at the ATM or with the test takers or library check-outs to have a high number in the data, or what is happening to have a low number in the data.
Three situations.

1. A study shows that the mean ATM transaction takes 74 seconds, the median is 63 seconds and the mode is 51 seconds.

How could this data be collected? What shape is the distribution?
What factors at the ATM might cause the distribution (high and low numbers) to be like this?
How can bank executives use this data to improve the customer experience?

2. On an accounting exam, the mean score was 71, the median was 77, and the mode was 81.

How could this data be collected? What shape is the distribution?
What factors might cause the high scores and low scores?
How can the professor use this information to improve the student’s experience.

3. The mean time that a book is checked out is 13 days, the median is 10 days and the mode is 7 days.

How could this data be collected? What shape is the distribution?
What factors in the person’s life might cause the low numbers and high number of check out days?
How can library staff use this information to improve the book borrower’s experience.
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