Posted: September 16th, 2017

Sticky evidence writing assignment

Sticky evidence writing assignment

Order Description

“Sticky” Evidence persuasive essay/report. Using evidence to persuade someone else (evidence based findings, Peer review journals). Identify a situation where someone you know (friend, colleague, parent, co-worker, significant other, etc.) might benefit from learning about evidence related to his or her work. You as the writer can pick any general situation that is related to healthcare or healthcare management. Obtain the evidence and then provide that person with a description of what the evidence says (in your own words) and explain how that evidence might be relevant. (Please read entirely the file I uploaded in order for you to be successful and meet my expectations for this assignment). The uploaded file will give you a better idea and understanding to help you write the assignment, “Sticky Findings: Research Evidence Practitioners Find Useful PDF by Rousseau and Boudreau for principles and examples) Describe your approach, how that person reacts (you can make up how the person reacts, as long as its relevant and ties in nicely to the topic), what aspects of the evidence that person appears to find useful and what they don’t. Finally, in one sentence summarize what you learned from this experience. Your write-up should be 2 pages total. Any question? Please don’t hesitate to contact me or call me directly.

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