Posted: February 4th, 2015


Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


The written assessment will consist of a qualitative research proposal whose purpose is twofold. First, it aims to determine which qualitative methods in the academic literature have been most effectively used on your thesis topic, including the detailed specification at least one draft qualitative research instrument that would be appropriate to your thesis topic. Second, it aims to present a thesis research proposal concentrating on the qualitative research aspects and focused on the research problem, research questions, literature review, methodology, qualitative research methods (including one detailed instrument), and initial ideas about the anticipated results.
In summary, key considerations for assessing the qualitative research proposal include amongst others:
• Research Problem, Research Questions, Literature Review, Evaluation of approaches to selected PhD topic area (Minimum 25 articles: RQs, results, methods/instruments, research choices, rationales, conclusions and recommendations) /40%
• Composition and formatting /20%
• Research methodology and qualitative research methods (including one detailed pilot study design and sample research instruments), initial ideas about the anticipated results /40%

Please follow the instructions for papers (e.g. 1.5 spacing, Harvard style guide and cover page design).

important notes:
– Please follow the two sample that I will attach from the past similar research proposal.
– please follow the Harvard Referencing Guide.
– you will find in the attachment of the proposal 3 the idea about the topic

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