Posted: February 7th, 2015

Strain Gauge Rosette Lab Report

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


Learning outcomes:

  1. To communicate technical information using written and graphical techniques.
  2. To analyse the results and discuss appropriately
  3. To be able to critically assess the experiment done by the student.

The task

Submit a written report on a laboratory, as assigned to your name, in an associated Excel spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will be e-mailed to you and posted on the e- portable.

You should use your own data generated during the lab session.

Report Structure
The following structure is for guidance only. It is fully appreciated that depending on

your particular experiment, the structure may vary.

No Item Marks (%)
1 Introduction 5
2 Aims and Objectives 5
3 Methodology and Theory 10
4 Results: Tables and Graphs 25
5 Discussion 35
6 Conclusion 15
Total 95
5% is for overall presentation


  • · Report size: Do not make it too big! Maximum size should be SEVEN A4

typewritten pages excluding graphs etc.

  • · This should be a formal report.

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