Posted: April 11th, 2015

Strategic Audit Part Two

Strategic Audit Part Two

Part 2 of the Strategic Audit begins here

The audit should be a professional report consisting of 3-4 single-spaced pages excluding figures, charts, references.
Bear in mind that this is a writing enhanced course. You will need to first submit your paper through the Bb Assignment link to an English professor who will grade your spelling and grammar. You can lose up to 10 points for writing mistakes. You will also submit your paper through the Strategic Audit link to Turnitin. Your paper will be checked for plagiarism when you make this submission; it must have less than 20% similarity score. (You can find out what your similarity score is by submitting your rough draft through the Strategic Audit link. I suggest you submit early enough to revise your paper if your score comes in over 20). I will grade your paper for the quality of your analysis. If you carefully follow the following guidelines, you will have a high quality analysis.
Below I have indicated the relevant chapters in your etextbook and provided you with websites that might be useful. If they don’t work, Google the topic to find other sites. Monitor my announcements throughout the semester for references to other helpful information.

There are files under the Course Documents link in the menu that will help you complete this part.

Evaluate your company’s internal environment (Refer to Chapter 4)

Does your company appear to be in sound financial condition? (Be sure to complete a financial trend analysis including one ratio from each of the following categories: liquidity, activity, leverage, and profitability. You must compare your company to the industry average using 3-5 years of financial data for both the industry and the company: each ratio comparison should be presented in graph form.)Be sure to explain fluctuations in each of the four ratios you analyze.  Tell us the meaning and implications of each trend.

 Does your company have any core competencies? If so, what are they? Are they sustainable? Justify your answer.
 12.  .What are the key elements of your company’s value chain?  (see fig 4.3 and
uk/essays-and-dissertations/value-chain-analysis.php%20)”> )
 13.  Complete a competitive strength assessment for your company and the two other companies studied by your team members. Which of the three companies is competitively strongest? Which is competitively weakest? Does the strongest company appear to have a significant competitive advantage over the other two companies? Why or why not?
(see fig 4.4  and Go 5 ½ minutes into 1st part to find the CSF matrix
2nd part )
 Generate new strategies (Chapter 4)
 14. Complete a SWOT matrix.
 a. What resource strengths and resource weaknesses does your company have? What external market opportunities for growth and increased profitability exist for your company? What are the external threats to your company’s future well-being and profitability?
 b. What strategic options might the company consider? Use the matrix chart that I will provide to you in Course Documents to generate and present these strategic options.  There should be at least 6 strategies in the SWOT matrix chart (Refresh your memory on types of strategies by reviewing chapters 5, 6, 7, 8.)
 c. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy in your SWOT matrix?
Recommend Strategies
Provide a strong rationale (justification) for your answers to 15,a,b,c.
 15. What strategies should the company pursue in the future?
 Which one of the generic competitive strategies is best for your company? (Chapter 5)
 What other strategic choices regarding competitive actions, timing and scope of operations should be made to complement its competitive approach and maximize the power of its overall strategy. (Chapter 6)
 Should your company be employing a global strategy?  Which of the strategic options for entering and competing in international markets would your suggest? (Chapter 7)
End of Part 2 of the Strategic Audit (First, Submit Part 2 through the Bb Assignment link for Strategic Audit Part 2. Later you will need to submit Part 2 through the Strategic Audit Part 2 link. Click on the Strategic Audit link in the Menu. Click on the Strategic Audit link on the next screen. From the Table of Contents select “Click here to turn it in” and then click “View /Complete” At the next screen you will be given further directions. If you have difficulties contact the Bb helpdesk at 294 2780.)

Submit Part 2 through the drop box designated for Part 2.)

Point distribution
Part 1: 100 points, 20% of final grade; Part 2: 100 points, 20% of final grade. Points attributed to each section: 8 pts. for sections 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,11,12,22 pts. for sections 6,8,10,13,14 and 18 pts. for section 15.
You cannot gain points for having references or using correct grammar, spelling, and complete sentences. However, you can lose up to 10 points for not producing a professional paper. If you plagiarize, you are likely to fail…so be sure to submit your paper early enough so you can rewrite it if it has a similarity score higher than 20%.



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