Posted: March 12th, 2015

Strategic & General managment

Strategic & General managment

Order Description

1. Select a well-documented construction company (e.g. FTSE 100) on which to carry out a strategic case study
2. You are a consultant employed by the company to investigate, analyse, and recommend a new strategic direction and report back on your findings.
3. Produce a professional strategic options paper (3000 words).
a) Briefly summarise the company’s current strategy
b) Critically analyse the main challenges and opportunities facing the company using simple strategic analysis (e.g. PESTEL/SWOT /Five forces). Tables of analysis

should be placed in an appendix and cross referenced in the narrative of the report.
c) Identify and appraise 2 new strategic options to increase competitive advantage
d) Make appropriate recommendations for the future direction of the company and evaluate these based upon the framework proposed by Johnson & Scholes (i.e.

suitability, feasibility, and acceptability).

School of Civil Engineering and Surveying         Student Registration Number:
Course:  U22408    Date Set:  06/11/2014Strategic & General Management U22408
Lecturer:  Rebecca Allan    Date Due:  24/03/2015Coursework 2 Report (0.5 weighting)    Ref:


1.    To summarise the principles of strategic management
2.    To assess the processes involved in developing a new company strategy
3.    To demonstrate the ability to formulate and critically appraise effective strategies using appropriate tools


1.    Select a well-documented construction company (e.g. FTSE 100) on which to carry out a strategic case study
2.    You are a consultant employed by the company to investigate, analyse, and recommend a new strategic direction and report back on your findings.
3.    Produce a professional strategic options paper (3000 words).
a)    Briefly summarise the company’s current strategy
b)    Critically analyse the main challenges and opportunities facing the company using simple strategic analysis (e.g. PESTEL/SWOT /Five forces). Tables of analysis

should be placed in an appendix and cross referenced in the narrative of the report.
c)    Identify and appraise 2 new strategic options to increase competitive advantage
d)    Make appropriate recommendations for the future direction of the company and evaluate these based upon the framework proposed by Johnson & Scholes (i.e.

suitability, feasibility, and acceptability).

Learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this assignment, students will be expected, at threshold level, to be able to:

1.    Critically discuss the principles of strategic management
2.    Develop effective strategies using appropriate tools
3.    Evaluate policies from a strategic management point of view


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