Posted: September 13th, 2017

Strategic Human Resource Management;

Strategic Human Resource Management;

The HR function within modern organizations is undergoing dramatic change.  Rather than a division that tracks performance appraisals and payroll, the modern HR

organization is becoming a strategic partner to the various divisions and departments it serves.
Find at least six peer reviewed journal articles from a Davenport University database (ABI/INFORM Complete or ProQuest).  Report on what was learned from the journal

articles relative to the emergence of the HR function as a strategic business partner.

Strategic Human Resource Management Research Paper (350 points)
The HR function within modern organizations is undergoing dramatic change.  Rather than a division that tracks performance appraisals and payroll, the modern HR

organization is becoming a strategic partner to the various divisions and departments it serves.
Find at least six peer reviewed journal articles from a Davenport University database (ABI/INFORM Complete or ProQuest).  Report on what was learned from the journal

articles relative to the emergence of the HR function as a strategic business partner.
Format requirements: Other than the references page, all narrative structure, content, length, is open. Please see the rubric that follows.

Research Paper Rubric

Below 10
10-14 Points
15-19 Points
20-23 Points
24-28 Points
Content and Discussion    -Content is incomplete.
-Major topics not included or discussed poorly.    -Major points are addressed but not well supported or discussed.    -Content is accurate.
-Content mostly complete.    -Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.
-Content quite complete.    -Major points very clearly stated and extensively supported.
-Content very complete.*
Organization and Structure    -Structure detracts from content.
-Introduction and/or conclusion is missing.
-Paragraphs are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts.    -Structure unclear and ideas difficult to follow.
-Paragraph transition missing.
-Lack of cohesiveness or flow of ideas.    -Structure is clear and fairly well executed.
-Paragraph structure adequate.
-Flow of ideas adequate.    -Structure is quite clear.
-Transitions allow ideas to flow easily.
-Paragraph structure contains effective elements.    -Structure is very clear.
-Transitions well executed.
– Paragraph structure contains: main idea, evidence, analysis, and linkages.
Critical Thinking    -Few key ideas identified and/or explored.    -Some ideas mentioned or reported with little supporting rationale.    -A fair number of ideas

-Ideas developed and some support offered.
-Shows understanding of key content.    -A good number of ideas specified.
-Ideas well developed.
-Shows a good level of comprehension.
-Able to display or use examples of application of concepts.    -A significant number of ideas specified.
-Shows ability to analyze, apply, and/or synthesize key ideas.*
Significant Concepts in Strategic HR Noted
-Very few key concepts noted.    -A few key concepts noted.    -A fair amount of key concepts noted.    -A good number of key concepts noted.    -A great many

key concepts noted.*
Topic Assessment    -Very weak mastery of the topics noted.    -A little mastery of the topics noted.    -Some mastery of the topics noted.    -A good mastery of the

topics noted.    – A very good mastery of the topics noted.
Resources Cited

-Few resources cited.    -One or two resources cited.    -Four resources accurately cited.    -Five resources accurately cited.    -More than five

resources accurately cited.*
Written Communication Skills    – Very poorly written. Grammar, usage and mechanics not near college level.    – Poorly written. Grammar, usage and mechanics need a

good amount of improvement.    – Fairly well written. Grammar, usage and mechanics need some improvement.    -Well written. Grammar, usage and mechanics at a

college level.    -Very well written. Grammar, usage and mechanics at a college level.
*Categories with * indicate a total value worth 29 points for a total possible score of 200 points.


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