Posted: September 13th, 2017

Strategic Management

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Questions are uploaded ,, answer each question as an essay (small essay )
approx: 600 word each
– introduction
-3 or 2 body paragraph
– conclusion
plz focus on question 12 ,, important one
references no needed

The module textbook is:


Exploring strategy: text & cases.


Read this book to find information.


“ some questions are 2 part A and B, so answer them as an one answer “

Questions – 5&11


  1. Explain the notion of “corporate culture” and explain why it can be so important? When might it be advantageous or disadvantageous for an organisation to have a “strong culture”?


  • Identify and critically appraise the key factors that affect how managers should approach the management of strategic choice.


  • It is argued by a number of authors that environmental analysis is possibly one of the most difficult tasks that managers face. Explain why this may be so.


  • Specify and critically evaluate the key factors which affect how managers should approach the management of strategic change



  • A- Detail the importance of stakeholder mapping in the strategic management process?                                                                         (15%)


B- Is it manager’s task to limit the role of stakeholders, and if so how can they do it?                                                                                                                                       (10%)


  1. Explain and evaluate the role that power and politics may have in an organisation’s strategic development.


  1. Explain the importance of “core competencies” and evaluate when might it be advantageous for an organisation to have an understanding of its core competencies?





Discuss how changes in technology contributed towards the globalisation of industries. Would the globalisation of these industries have been possible without these technological changes? (33)


  1. Evaluate how important the management of change is in the strategy process? Discuss the approaches available to the manager (33)
  2. Evaluate the notion of strategic planning and discuss the factors that enable sustainability for any organisation (33


11a.  Explore the relevance of resource analysis in the strategic management process? (10)


  1. Current literature suggests that it is the manager’s task to undertake the process of resource analysis. If this is the case, critique the issues and the importance of those issues they must consider to develop an appreciation of the resources available? (23)




Evaluate the contribution that the “five forces framework” makes when establishing the bases of competitive advantage (33)



  1. What does Michael Porter mean by the comment “Stuck in themiddle” (33)

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