Posted: September 13th, 2017

Strategic Management

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


its 2500 words report based on a strategic review of hard rock cafe and the content are:
Executive Summary
Company Introduction
PESTLE Analysis
Porters 5 Forces
Competition Analysis
Strategic Group Analysis
Industry Life Cycle
Financial Analysis
Boston Matrix
Bowmans Clock
Stakeholders Analysis
Generic Strategies (porters 1985)
VRIN analysis
Value Chain Analysis
SWOT Analysis
TOWS Analysis
SAF (surviability analysis framework)
Ansoffs Matrix
Conclusion & Future suggestions

final recommendation

References Harvard APA

and u can use appendix but not more than 10 pages

Coursework general guidance notes

 You must not do any primary research. All research should be conducted using secondary sources


 Diagrams and charts can be in appendices or throughout the body of the report. This is a style issue

and is therefore up to you.

 In text referencing is part of the word count, but the references list is not.

Normal rules apply as regards plagiarism. Turnitin will be available for you to check your work.

 A contents page and page numbers are required.

 An executive summary should summarize the key points/findings in the report. It is not a plan of

what you intend to do.

 You are not required to provide critique of tools and models in this report.

 Appendices are optional and must not exceed 10 pages. They should support the main body of the

report. You will probably need to use appendices but there is no need to create masses of additional material.

best regards . .

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