Posted: September 13th, 2017

strategic management and leader ship

strategic management and leader ship

Order Description

unit outcomes
1.1 understand the relationship between strategic management and leader ship.
1.2 be able to apply management and leadership theory to support organizational direction
1.3 be able to assess leadership requirements.
select two well known medical organizations which you are familiar with .carry out suitable research in the relationship between strategic management and leadership in chosen organisation
task 1 cover assessment criteria 1.1.1 and 1.1.2
Task 2
Organisations exist for different reasons and purposes. Accordingly, leaders need to adapt their leadership styles to suit the needs of the organisations in which they function. The research that you carried out in the two (different) of organisations should have enabled you to collect information on how leadership styles differ in various organisations.

Add an extra section to your report and evaluate how leadership styles can be adapted to different situations.

Task 2 covers assessment criteria 1.1.3
Task 3

Having key lessons from organisations and their leadership styles, it is important to understand the reasoning behind the decisions taken by strategic management. In this context, reference must be made to various available theories which provide guidelines on leadership skills.

Select a third organisation which you believe is need of appropriate management leadership skills development.

Develop and produce a Powerpoint presentation to be delivered to the directors of the organisation titled ‘Management and Leadership Theory 2010’.
Following the presentation, the directors have entrusted you to show them how good management and leadership theory can lead their business in the right direction. Write a report addressed to the directors of the organisation on how their current management and leadership theories can be developed to enable them achieve their objectives. Your report should include a new ‘leadership strategy’.

Task 3 covers assessment criteria 1.2.1, 1.2.2.

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