Posted: September 13th, 2017

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan


The final individual paper is based on a reading in your course pack: STRATEGY IN CONSTANT DISRUPTION and the DROGA 5 case.

Structure of the Assignment

Your job is to re- read the paper and identify Bing?s or Droga5?s or Jay Z?s shaping strategy. Choose 1. For the business you chose, identify:

1. What is a shaping strategy? Give some examples
2. According to the authors, how are shaping strategies formulated?
3. Why do the authors call for rethinking strategy development?
Organization of the Paper

Section 1: Introduction: Use this section to provide answers to the three questions above and introduce the company you will focus on.

Section 2: Its Industry: Use Porter?s Five Forces to Identify the Industry of This Company

Section 3: Five Tests of a Shaping Strategy at Your Company.

Section 4: Six Tests of a Shaper?s Acts and Assets at Your Company

Section 5: Performance ratios ? Measuring the Success of Your Company?s Strategy
See ratios
Section 6: Conclusions and lessons learned

Note: STRATEGY IN CONSTANT DISRUPTION tells you what the tests are. Your job is to apply each to the firm you have chosen.

Format of the Paper

1) Papers must focus on the company chosen and its shaper strategy.
2) Use text and case readings to support assertions
3) Use APA formatting for citations and references ? e.g. (Ireland et al., 2009, p. 34)
4) Spell check your work



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