Posted: September 16th, 2017

Strategy management

before explaining further answers should be explain in the first sentences the main point should first be discussed to give the a view that the students understand the questions.
All answers should be illustrate with examples and names of major criticism of porters views should be mention the arguments discussed.
evaluate in context of all relevant field that oppose this view eg PIMS, Financial Management Strategy (Economic Value Added).Need to understand the different view of answering each questions.
“Successfully executing each generic strategy involves different resources,
Strengths, organisational arrangements, and management style……………Rarely
is a firm suited for all three”. (Porter, M. 1980:42).
Discuss the view that reconciling differentiation with cost leadership is more common
in practice than Porter suggests. In support of your argument, illustrate your answer
With appropriate diagrams/models
Asses Porter’s contention that ‘cost leadership ‘and ‘differentiation’ are mutually
Exclusive strategies
Discuss the view that reconciling differentiation with low cost has been one of the
greatest strategic challenges of the last decade. Illustrate your answer with examples
Cost reduction campaigns do not lead to improved quality; and, except for
Those that involve reductions in personnel, they don’t usually result in longterm
lower costs. On the other hand, effective quality programmes yield not
only improved quality but lasting cost reductions as well” (Tom Peters)
Comment on the above statement in relation to Porter’s ‘Generic’ strategies
Critically assess porter’s generic strategies for dealing with the
Competitive forces within an industry.
M.E Porterobserves that ”low cost producers typically sell a standard or no frills products ……and those such firms) will be an above average performer in its industry provided it can command prices at or near industry average.
Discuss the above and comment on the relationship between low cost and differentiation. Illustrate your answers with examples.
The Positioning School of strategy as represented M.E Porter suggest that a business must have a clear strategy. Discuss Porter arguments for the Generic Strategies and using examples assess Porters Views.
Giving appropriate examples critically evaluate porter’s argument for Generic strategies.
Michael Porter views cost leadership and differentiation as mutually exclusive
A firm that attempts to pursue both is “stuck in the middle”.
Critically assess the stark alternative of the above viewpoint

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