Posted: September 13th, 2017

stratigic managment.

stratigic managment.

Read the attached text (Master Business Strategy with Tactics from The Art of War). Then answer on the following questions:
1-      In your view, what are the most interesting ideas of Sun Tzu?
2-      Which of Sun Tzu’s teachings are not practical in the today business world?
3-      Do you see an unethical advices in Sun Tzu’ teachings?

Master Business Strategy with Tactics from The Art of War
# 1. The Laying of Plans, Calculations and Estimations
The Book states: befo
re any steps are take
n, research and plann
ing are the key to any venture. My
Interpretation? Any blueprint or
business plan has to be compil
ed with reference to 5 basic points:
This strategy handbook proceeds to lay out 7 methods for foreca
sting based on your capabilities
these factors. In s
hort it calls for a
SWOT Analysis.
Here, it also calls for leaders to adhere to classic principles
Project Management
. It advises
you to have awareness of your cap
abilities and s
urroundings, ad
just your plans to suit your
resources, and track or monitor your operations against possibl
e deviation from the original
plan. Get back on track as quick
ly as possible, he says.
Once plans are in operation we h
ave to outwit our competition b
y not betraying our course and be
subtle in our direction. One of the
most succinct quotes from t
his treatise says:
“All warfare is based on deception.”
# 2. Waging War – The Challenge
The next segment focuses on the importance of decisive behaviou
r, correct timing and economy
in your actions. Before embarking in any ventures, we can minim
ize challenges, conflict and
ensuing costs by:
Focusing on the
of any plan and prevent over-extension of your company’s
Maintaining organizational
and keeping the “Troops” motivated and well
Sun Tzu provides us with a
clever tip
– If you are low on resources and want to save: focus
more on exploiting your competitor’s weakness rather than throw
ing more cash/resources
at the problem.
Consider the wisdom of having effective
Exit strategies
in place if something does not
work. That reminds me of the (Colin)
Powell Doctrine

let your main object be victory,
not lengthy drawn-out campaigns. “
# 3. Attack by Stratagem or Planning Offensives
Here Sun Tzu echoes that old adage, its
Not Size
but Unity
that determines strength and
organizational effectiveness
. He makes that now-famous quote:

the skillful leader subdues the en
emy’s troops without any fighting”
In other words, avoid competing
head on and avoid using up reso
urces directly against
competitors. Aim instead for excellence so that no other organi
sation would even dare compete.
In short, create a natural
In a business environment, I interpret this as taking the initi
ative and being first to market
or innovate. Engage a
pre-emptive “attack”
on your competitors with your superior
offering thus demotivating any would-be contenders with your su
perior market share.
Invent the most innovative product, process, occupy new territo
ry or be the first to secure
the marketplace.
Failing that,
“Surround them”
assuming you have adequate resources to cover the market
and try for a Me-too approach.
If you have insufficient resources, a
Divide and Conquer
approach maywork. Segment
the market or break your problem into parts and attack each ind
Failing that – your only option is to meet your (enemy) competi
tor head on. In business
terms I interpret th
is as a potential
Price war
Failing that you will be forced into a
which is costly for both attacker and
the attacked.
Once you run out of resources, will have to
or drop out of the market – become
the victim of shake-out.
Sun Tzu also points out ways you can really screw things up as
a leader:
Having insufficient vision and a
poor overview of the situation
This resultsin using the incorr
ect amount of resources or metho
ds to meet the right
Not being decisive or flexible
enough to exploit opportunities
– not knowing wh
en to act /
when not to act

Note: Please prepare your text in 2 pages, word format, double space

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