Posted: September 17th, 2017

Students are to identify a common health issue that they see or have seen in their nursing practice and identify the determinants of health related to this issue, they are to include imperatives of health across sectors and disciplines in relation to their selected health issue. Search contemporary literature to provide information regarding community, government and healthcare sectors’ strategies to combat the issue. Include epidemiology, local and global comparisons if present, e.g. westernisation, developed/developing countries. Why do you think this health issue has developed for this particular group of people?

Part A: Written paper (1500 words)

Students are to identify a common health issue that they see or have seen in their nursing practice and identify the determinants of health related to this issue, they are to include imperatives of health across sectors and disciplines in relation to their selected health issue. Search contemporary literature to provide information regarding community, government and healthcare sectors’ strategies to combat the issue.

Include epidemiology, local and global comparisons if present, e.g. westernisation, developed/developing countries. Why do you think this health issue has developed for this particular group of people?

Part B: DVD or PowerPoint (1000 words equivalent)

Students are to develop a presentation for local government/council using the health issue they identified for part A and suggest ways to build community capacity and establish government and business partnerships in relation to the issue. This assignment requires students to ‘present an argument’ of the importance of collaborative efforts, sustainability and community capacity building in developing strategies to combat their identified health issue at a local level while also incorporating references to global imperatives.

Guidelines part A.

I think this section is fairly self-explanatory, you may use the same topic as you used in assessment 2 (short answer).

Assignment 3 part B

Part B: DVD or PowerPoint (1000 words equivalent)

Students are to develop a presentation for local government using the health issue you identified for part A and suggest ways to build community capacity and establish government and business partnerships in relation to the issue.

This assignment is about you providing a presentation to local government that:


  • Demonstrates to local government the health situation and associated health needs in relation to the chosen topic-will need to have local focus


  • Demonstrate how the local community may be involved in addressing and dealing with this topic and why this would be integral to the success e.g. point out the advantages of this


  • How could local government assist with this capacity building and why would this be important


  • Are there any local business that might be involved and why

This brings in some of the philosophies of health promotion and the importance of collaboration, you will need to be specific about the local area/needs/community etc.

e.g. how we can work together to achieve results….

Please ensure that this presentation is different from part B and not a replication of it.

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