Posted: September 13th, 2017

successes and failures in regard to tourism.

Objective: The purpose of this activity is to familiarize you with successes and failures in regard to tourism.
Research, identify, and review one successes and one failure article in regard to tourism. I.e.: hotel, restaurant, entertainment venue, event, attractions, theme parks, museums, etc.
The following questions are suggestions to be addressed in the review:
1. Identify the What, When, Where of the article.
What type of business is it?
When did this business begin and possibly end?
Where is this business located?

2. What outside impacts caused the business to be successful or fail? Weather, location, economy, government support, etc.

3. In your opinion:
If the business was a failure what could have/be done to improve it?
If the business was a success what has been most influential in it’s success.

4. What was unclear or still “muddy” after reading the articles?

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