Posted: January 12th, 2017

Summarize the diversity issue, analyze the legal concerns, and present your thoughts and beliefs regarding the issue.

Prepare a 700 to 1,050-word written legal issue analysis of a newspaper or magazine article that discusses a legal aspect of a specific diversity issue (e.g., harassment, ADA, and so forth). Summarize the diversity issue, analyze the legal concerns, and present your thoughts and beliefs regarding the issue. In presenting your thoughts and beliefs, contextualize your opinion in terms of the challenges of managing that diversity issue within your workplace.


In this assignment, address the following items in relation to your selected article and legal issue:

  1. Summarize the legal issue. 
  2. Analyze the legal concerns. Do you feel they are they important?  What rights might they violate, and how are those rights similar to or important in terms of civil or other rights in the U.S.?  What are the laws, and should the laws be different regarding this issue?  If so, how? 
  3. Contextualize your thoughts in terms of the challenges of managing that diversity issue within your own or a hypothetical workplace you might be in.  How would you personally have felt had this happened in your workplace?  How would you have dealt with it had you been the victim of this issue?  How would you deal with it if you were a manager or administrator facing this issue?  How difficult is it for workers to stand up for their rights in the workplace? What steps would you like to see happen in your workplace? 
  4. You must include a minimum of TWO references to deepen your discussion and add to your points.


858 Words

3 Sources

Full APA Format…


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