Posted: September 16th, 2017

Summary and Evaluation

Summary and Evaluation

Write a 1500 word summary and evaluation of the article below. A “review essay” is a summary of your own words of the article, together with an appraisal of it. Your

review essay should be about 60% summary and 40% appraisal. Summary means you summarize the main points and explain the chosen article in your own words. Figures,

tables, or equations in the article may not be included in your essay. Appraisal means you express your thoughts about the article. For example, whether the article is

full of insightful remarks, whether the article gives adequate consideration/analysis of the main issues, or if the article covers too much or too little ground, any

additional aspects should be included in the article. Your bibliography can be minimal.
Genuine and documented cases of illness and misadventure may allow for an extension of the due date, but no other circumstances will allow for this.
Severe penalties will apply for cases of plagiarism, up to and including exclusion from the unit.
Penalties will also apply for late submission of the Review Exercise. Such penalties will include the loss of 2 marks (out of the 20 awarded for the exercise) for any

assignment submitted after 4.00pm on Wednesday, 1 April, and then 2 marks further for each day beyond the submission date after that.
The Article:
1. Rajan, Raghuram and Zingales, Luigi, 2003, ‘The great reversals: The politics of financial development in the twentieth century’, Journal of Financial Economics,

vol.69, pp.5-50. This paper is available online at:

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
•    Be open to new (and old!) ways of thinking and appreciate the importance of intellectual curiosity and reflection as the foundation for continuous learning.
•    Demonstrate a capacity to work independently including the ability to plan and achieve goals.
•    Evaluate underlying theories, concepts,assumptions, limitations and arguments in disciplinary and cross-disciplinary fields of study.
•    Be intellectually ready to participate in public policy discussions arising in social, business and policy environments.
•    Manage, analyse, evaluate and use information efficiently and effectively.


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