Posted: September 16th, 2017



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The paper is three parts,
The summary is a ethical teachings from primary source texts,(Cases where some ethical choice appears difficult to decide,?Applications which apply a summary to a case

in order to generate deliberated choices for action going forward.

1.    Summary Of Ethical Teachings
A summary provides some basic guidelines for evaluating ethical action, summarizing the ethical outlook, approach, model, paradigm, or style of one primary text

selected from course readings. Here you do not mention anything about a case that is to be deliberated. This is just the place to listen and learn from the teachings

of the text. Choose three direct quotes and tell me why do you pick that, and what is the teaching behind it. Properly cited. Instead of a Works Cited page, please add

a Works Cited section after your summary. Please cited as an electronic source with MLA style with At least 250 words.
This is the Website that you should use to find the primary sources you can choose one from the three, (Of the Liberty of Thought and Discussion, Of Individuality, as

One of the Elements of Well-Being, and Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the Individual). What ever you choose consider that it going to support your

2. Cases:
The case is already written so just try to summarize that in order to apply that to the application part. This is the case; I am a doctor specializing in mental

healthcare. When reviewing the case files for the last few days, one of the cases catches my attention. I realize that a patient had been admitted to the hospital

after a traumatic mugging incidence. As a result of this, the physician who examined the patient had proposed that the patient changes her medicine. Among the symptoms

she had exhibited were anxiety and rapid and intense mood swings. This meant that at one time, she could be happy and chatty but change into being angry and deranged

within a few seconds. My attention is further drawn to her last name. I seem to recall such a name but I cannot quite tell where I heard the name. However, she has an

appointment with the physician in the afternoon and I know seeing her will jog my memory.
When afternoon comes, I see a lady approaching the reception when I am escorting my first afternoon appointment out. I realize that she is the lady described in the

file and she is my eight year old daughter’s teacher. I know that she is not meant to be teaching in her condition. I cannot tell her that because she is not my

patient. However, I am still bound by doctor-patient confidentiality and cannot report to her school about her situation. What should I do? Should I inform the school

and break doctor-patient confidentiality to save the students in harm’s way and risk losing my practicing license or prosecution? Should I let her be despite knowing

the danger she pauses to the society and especially the students that she teaches?
Of Ethical Teaching to Case
Applications will be produced after (1) writing a summary (which does not mention any case); (2) presenting your most recent, graded case (although you may sometimes

write a new case). In the application, the writer will deliberate the case AS IF the character or agent in the case were to be guided by the approach presented in the

summary. Applications must be at least 200 words.
An application does not ask what you would do. An application does not ask what an agent would do independently on the basis of motivations that have nothing to do

with the summary. This is asking how the summary would tend to guide action in difficult cases where deliberation appears to be required.
Considering that summaries have at least three direct quotes, the usual application will have at least three guidelines to consider. For each guideline or quote, the

writer should clearly express what the guideline indicates and how it would be applied to the facts of the particular case under deliberation. Introduce your
Ethical author early in the application. Do not introduce new quotes in the application. Sometimes a writer will discover that the quotes presented in the summary are

not the best ones to use for the application. In that case the summary should be revised to include presentation of the most relevant quotes.
The agent must deliberate a choice. Even when the appropriate choice appears very difficult to decide, the agent must deliberate toward the best choice that would be

indicated by the summary. Close calls make for good deliberations, allowing the writer to develop a felt tension between options. But in the end, some choice must be

made. What is the better choice to make? The writer has discretion in development of cases and in choices regarding which ethical teaching to summarize. Please do your

best to generate a fruitful and interesting deliberation.
Conclude your application with a clear resolution, stating the choice that the agent will make going forward.


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