Posted: February 13th, 2015

Summary of "This Sad Affair"

Summary of “This Sad Affair”

write one page summary for the reading and one meaningful question after the summary.

D A v i D Z i N c z E N K o
2. One important move in all good argumentative writing is to
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introduce poss1ble obJections to the position being argued-~ hat You Eat IS Yo ma Buglne 5 5
what this book calls naysayers. What objections does r in?
Zinczenko introduce, and how does he respond? Can You RA D L EY B A L KO
think of other objections that he might have noted? 3;; Si
3. How does the story that Zinczenko tells in paragraphs 3 and
4 about his own experience support or fail to support his
argument? How could the same story be used to support an g
argument opposed to Zinczenko’s? _ _ » ‘ Egg
4. So what? Who cares? How does Zinczenko make clear to T , 11 h
readers why his topic. matters? Or, if he does not, how might H ‘5 JU N E! Time magalme and ABC NEWS W1 hOSt a t ll’ee
he do so? day summit on obesity. ABC News anchor Peter Jennings,
5. Write an essay responding to Zinczenko, using your own Who last December anChored.the Pume’tlme Spemal HOW to
experience and knowledge as part of your argument. You 3:; Get Fat WlthOUt REEHY Tl’Ymg: W111 hos: JUdgmg tfhe filj
may agree, disagree, or both, but be sure to represent SCthJUIed Pr93rami .t ‘8 sum?” Fromm: to e 3136?”. Vfor gig;
65. – l1
Zinczenko’s views near the beginning of your text, both sumv me la» numtlon aCthIStS, an Po 1W ma as a agitating 01‘ 1 21:! I
marking and quoctng from his arguments‘ . (2,: a panoply of government anti-obeSity initiatives, including him
prohibiting junk food in school vending machines, federal will, ihfil;
vii . ‘ . , . . l‘i‘x i hf
3 funding for new bike trails and Sidewalks, more demanding will
labels on foodstuffs, restrictive food marketing to children,
ii i 9!:
RADLEY BALKO is a senior editor at Reason, a monthly magazrne that Egg,
claims to stand for “free minds and free markets” and to provrde an
if; “alternative taught-Wing and left-Wing opinion magazmes.” Balko
5? specralizes in investigative writing on CiVil liberties and criminal Jus-
v tice issues. He is also a columnist for and has contributed
to such publications as the Washington Post and Playboy. At The Agi- “’Ellfgll
tato’r, his personal weblog, he describes himself as a “small-l” libertarv
ran. This essay was first published on May 23, 2004, on, a giggly
Site sponsored by the Cato Institute, a foundation that aims to pro is?!
5 .1539 more the princrples of “limited government, indiVidual liberty, free
3: markets, and peace!’
1 5 6 1 5 7


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