Posted: September 14th, 2017

Supply and Demand

Supply and Demand
Paper instructions:
What are the short and long term price implications on the world price for rice, given the earthquake and tsunami in Japan? Would you see the same situation in Japan itself?

Minimum of 2 resources to be used. One must be: The Macro Economy Today (13e) by Bradley R. Schiller
I. Introduction I. Introduction
II. All about first essay II. First point about both works
A. First point A. Author A’s view
B. Second point B. Author B’s view
C. Third point III. Second point about both works
III. All about second essay A. Author A’s view
A. Parallel first point B. Author B’s view
B. Parallel second point IV. Third point about both works
C. Parallel third point A. Author A’s view
IV. Conclusion B. Author B’s view
V. Conclusion

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