Posted: September 13th, 2017

Supply Chain Management 1. Develop a literature review on your topic. 2. Expand on the topic of supply chain network optimization in the paper and explain why supply chain network optimization is vital to designing and implementing an optimized supply chain. Again, make sure the reader understands big picture: What is supply chain management? Why is supply chain management important for retail? What can a retailer do if there supply chain isn't cost effective? The answer is conduct supply chain network optimization to identify where the supply chain isn't optimal. Why was it important for Dell to conduct supply chain network optimization? 3. Add the slide from the Power Point on the Perfect Order and expand upon why the Five P's of retail are so important to the success of a retailer. Explain how Dell didn't focus on the Five P's of retailing and that they simply assumed that the systems and process in place to service their business and online consumers would be adequate to serve retailers. 4. Justify your methodology. Explain why you chose the methodology to resolve the issues. If I understand you correctly, your final goal is to â??Designâ? a process to eliminate the logistical problems and â??Indentifyâ? opportunities to reduce costs. And, you will achieve the goal by first evaluating their as-is process and moving on to solutions from there. In the methodology, you need to explain in detail how you evaluated their process, proving the rationale of your evaluation. By doing this readers can understand and agree with the process from evaluation to suggesting solutions. The rationale can be what you find from literature or of other business examples. Based on what you have presented in the paper at this point, readers are not able to determine whether your solutions were correct. Readers need to see whether you followed the appropriate procedure and logical reasoning to reach the conclusion, in this case, your solution. I think, this is the difference between studying as a student and working as a professional. In the real business world, your solutions can be evaluated mostly by outcomes. However, your Masterâ?™s paper is a studentâ?™s academic work. The procedure that you followed to come up with the solutions is as important as the outcome that the solutions resulted in. This is what you needed to work on for your degree in addition to what you did for your job. aper.

Supply Chain Management

1. Develop a literature review on your topic.

2. Expand on the topic of supply chain
network optimization in the paper and explain why supply chain network
optimization is vital to designing and implementing an optimized supply
chain. Again, make sure the reader understands big picture: What is supply
chain management? Why is supply chain management important for retail?
What can a retailer do if there supply chain isn’t cost effective? The
answer is conduct supply chain network optimization to identify where the
supply chain isn’t optimal. Why was it important for Dell to conduct
supply chain network optimization?

3. Add the slide from the Power Point on the
Perfect Order and expand upon why the Five P’s of retail are so
important to the success of a retailer. Explain how Dell didn’t focus
on the Five P’s of retailing and that they simply assumed that the
systems and process in place to service their business and online
consumers would be adequate to serve retailers.

4. Justify your methodology. Explain why you
chose the methodology to resolve the issues. If I understand you
correctly, your final goal is to â??Designâ? a process to eliminate the
logistical problems and â??Indentifyâ? opportunities to reduce costs.
And, you will achieve the goal by first evaluating their as-is process and
moving on to solutions from there. In the methodology, you need to explain
in detail how you evaluated their process, proving the rationale of your
evaluation. By doing this readers can understand and agree with the
process from evaluation to suggesting solutions. The rationale can be what
you find from literature or of other business examples. Based on what you
have presented in the paper at this point, readers are not able to
determine whether your solutions were correct. Readers need to see
whether you followed the appropriate procedure and logical reasoning to
reach the conclusion, in this case, your solution. I think, this is the
difference between studying as a student and working as a professional. In
the real business world, your solutions can be evaluated mostly by
outcomes. However, your Masterâ?™s paper is a studentâ?™s
academic work. The procedure that you followed to come up with the
solutions is as important as the outcome that the solutions resulted in.
This is what you needed to work on for your degree in addition to what you
did for your job.


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