Posted: September 14th, 2015

surviving in both rural and urban environment

The movie is Children of Heaven

Write an analysis of PLANNING or related issues. . DO NOT write a summary – assume the reader has seen the movie. Remember your analysis of the movie needs to be on PLANNING or related issues like race, society, family, or other aspects dealt within the movie that directly or indirectly affect planning. You may use examples from the movie to support your analysis.

This is a movie that deals with two different cultures, urban and rural. You will note the differences are too strong and should be able to compare the two with your own cultural experience here. There are several planning issues we may consider when watching this wonderful film. They are:

1) Family values, ties and social network

2) Urban isolation among some family members, particularly for young children

3) Physical setting between poor and rich neighborhoods

4) Consequences of urban environment (urbanization) in a city (noise and air pollution,

for example)

5) Slum environment and family survival including coping mechanism

6) Attitudes and cultural differences between haves and have-nots

7) Use of alleys and existing neighborhood conditions for daily activities

8) No uniform zoning in the city

9) Building design (globalization)


1. Think of a position on a major planning or related issue you would like to analyze for

the movie.

2. Think of 2-4 statements that support your position.

3. In your intro paragraph, clearly state your position (identified in #1) and briefly mention your supporting statements (#2).

4. Each paragraph after your intro should be dedicated to explaining ONE of your supporting statements. You may use specific examples from the movie to provide further support and evidence.

5. Write a concluding paragraph that essentially wraps up your position, and ideally provides sheds sort of new light based on the arguments provided in the body of the paper.

6. Make sure to include a class reading  . Also, add two more sources from the Internet to support this paper.

7. Include a reference paper.

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