Posted: February 22nd, 2017

Synthesize your research and conclude, with reasons, whether pornography leads to sexual violence. If not, state the factors that contribute to sexual violence.

A long-standing question in the field of psychology concerns the relationship between exposure to sexually explicit material, pornography, and criminal behavior. One of the most significant issues focuses on the impact that pornography has on an individual’s propensity to commit rape.

Select two peer-reviewed journal articles to examine the correlation between rape and pornography.

Write a paper that includes the following: •Analyze the selected journal articles and identify any correlation between rape and pornography. Provide statistical information in support. •Synthesize your research and conclude, with reasons, whether pornography leads to sexual violence. If not, state the factors that contribute to sexual violence. •Analyze whether the regulation of pornography is warranted based on the evidence so far.

Give reasons for your responses. Support your statements with appropriate examples.

Write a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of JAGUAR

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