Posted: September 13th, 2017

System Analysis and Design

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



See attachment for more details.

Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:


Critically analyse, evaluate and discuss the role of models in decision making and planning, demonstrating skills in techniques underpinning concepts in system modelling (using UML)

Assignment brief:


The acceleration in the growth of OOSAD maybe attributed to UML as a lingua franca of SAD. While providing a rich common vocabulary of object-oriented terms and diagramming techniques for modeling systems development, UML’s range of diagrams may also be considered to be complex and confusing.


Produce a presentation paper, appraising the role of UML in enhancing systems development, by modelling a business process (or a set of sequential tasks that happen in a specific order) in a local business or organisation of your choice. Your presentation paper should include


  1. use case description document(s) (15 marks)
  2. use case diagram(s) (10 marks)
  3. relevant sequence diagram(s) (10 marks)


You should use UML for all the produced diagrams, and include any assumptions made, as well as an evaluation of the diagrams constructed.


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