Posted: May 22nd, 2015

T-Test Paper

T-Test Paper


Employment is one of the main issues that are facing the society today. People are seeking for employment each and every day. Many jobs are being listed daily on the newspapers, televisions, internet, and magazines as well as on radio stations. Gender is an important determinate of employment. People are always showered with issues that are related to how and where to get employment and also if that employment will cater for our daily needs. In the survey, the main interest is to gauge what the people felt about their survival and employment. Therefore, sample of convenience were given which consisted of diverse questions to a pool of 260 respondents who were among our colleagues, friends as well as family. The survey consisted of variety of common questions including their name, gender, permanent residence, dominant hand, the number of siblings in their household and their height. Part of this survey was used in exploring the differences between gender and employment. With the help of the survey’s results that related to employment, gender was compared with the respective respondent. Therefore, gender is the independent variable while the dependent variables consist of the following:

1) Level of education

2) Level of job satisfaction

3) Level of payment


Figure 1: summary of null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis

Null hypothesis: there exists a significance difference among women and men in regards to their level of education.

Alternative hypothesis: there exists no significance difference among women and men in regards to their level of education.

Null hypothesis: there exists a significance difference among women and men in regards to their level of job satisfaction.

Alternative hypothesis: there is no significance difference among women and men in regards to their level of job satisfaction

Null hypothesis: there exists a significance difference among women and man in regards to their level of payment

Alternative hypothesis: there exit no significance difference among women and men in regards to their level of payment.

Figure 1:











Hypothesis (Ha)

Level of education Gender H0: women = men Ha: women     men
Level of job Satisfaction Gender H0: women = men Ha: women     men
Level of payment




Gender H0: women = men Ha: women     men





This was a convenience survey where respondents consisted of fellow colleagues, family and friends. From a sample of 260 respondents, 169 were women (65%) and 91 were men (35%). However, it is important to note that there existed error in several sources within sample of questions that included the respondent’s profile as well as the probability of a general population not being the representative of the survey’s results. Independent variable was obtained as a result of one question which asked the respondent to reveal their gender whether woman or man. On the other hand, dependent variables were obtained as a result of numerical measurement that ranged from 1-10 in providing the agreement level of statements that were reflected in every question. 1= no to 10= yes

















Figure 2

Gender distribution in the class survey

Statistical Analysis:

Microsoft Excel was used in order to interpret and calculate independent t-test from the survey’s data. Inferential statistics were also used in determining the validity of null hypothesis where the level of error as well as significance was based on determination of significance level which was equal to 0.06. Therefore the null hypothesis can be rejected if it is less than 0.06.


Level of education

Education is considered to be a strong determinant when it comes to employment. In today’s society many jobs requires a person to be a degree holder. During this survey we discovered that when it comes to technology, mathematics and science, women are under-represented. It was realized that men are taking all the good jobs that are related to these fields for instance engineering and medicine. On the other hand, it was still discovered that men are also under-represented when it comes to fields such as arts, humanities as well as other areas of work having care-related dimension for instance child care, nursing as well as primary school teaching. For one to get a good job that is paying well, he has to be well educated. In the effort to gauge education level among survey participants, questions were asked on a 1-10 scale (1=no to 10=yes) in order to determine their level of education. The mean response of the women respondents was 4.445. The frequent response (mode) was 6. Figure 3 and 4 shows the mean and mode for the women respondents. The mean response of the men respondents was 7.340 while the frequent response was 9, on the basis of numerical scale which was 1-10. Figure 5 and 6 represents this.

Figure 3

Descriptive statistics for women response on the level of education

Level of education for women


Mean                                       4.445

Standard Error                         0.190391

Median                                              5

Mode                                                   6

Standard Deviation                   3.367183

Sample Variance                      7.723234

Skewness                                   -0.0239

Range                                                  8

Minimum                                              1

Maximum                                           10

Sum                                                 876

Count                                                169












Figure 4

Histogram for women response on level of education


Women response to the level of education









30                    30                    30

20                                 10       20                                    20          5

10                                                                         3

0                         1           2       3        4        5         6         7        8        9         10


Level of education on 1 to 10 scale 1 = no; 10= yes




Figure 5

Level of education for Men


Mean                                       7.340108

Standard Error                         0.236559

Median                                                 7

Mode                                                   9

Standard Deviation                   2.281294

Sample Variance                      5.204301

Kurtosis                                    -0.24191

Skewness                                   -0.4914

Range                                                  9

Minimum                                              1

Maximum                                           10

Sum                                                 598

Count                                                  9




Figure 6


Histogram for men response on level of education

Men response to the level of education


20                                                                          21

15                                                     11       11               16

10                               6        6                                               6         9

5                  3       3

0                    1         2        3       4         5        6        7        8       9         10


Level of education on 1 to 10 scale 1=no; 10= yes



Based on figure 7 which illustrates independent sample t-test, average men response was 7.340 while the average mean for female was 4.445. This indicates that the male respondents on this survey have a higher level of education compared to the women respondents. The figure also shows that, P (t<=t) two tails which is 0.00429 is comparatively less compared to designated significance level which had an original value of 0.05. This means that it is most likely for the alternative hypothesis to be rejected. It concludes that null hypothesis is acceptable since it states that there exists a significant difference among women and men in regards to their level of education.



Figure 7:



Male             female




Mean 7.34072 4.445607
Variance 5.20363 5.72279102
Observations 91 169
Pooled Variance Hypothesized Mean Difference 5.583173



Df 249
t Stat 2.042507
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.020578
t Critical one-tail 1.650997
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.00398


T-Test results for level of education

Level of job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is considered to be an important factor quality of life in general. This is because it is closely connected with working life. Quality of life much affected by job satisfaction because it is connected with everyday life. Lack of job satisfaction will lead to under-performance in the employee’s work. It will also lead to stress which might cause physical as well as emotional health. On the other hand, job satisfaction will lead to happier employee; good work performances as well as improved productivity hence profit the company. In carrying out this survey, it was found out that women are not happy with their jobs unlike men. Some respondents gave us the reasons which contributed to their lack of job satisfaction. They included poor payment and job discrimination. The participants were requested to rate their satisfaction level of their present jobs on numerical scale ranging from 1 to 10. 1=no to 10 yes. The mean response from the men respondents was 5.689 while the mean response from women respondents was 4.887. For men respondents, the frequent was 4 which indicated a neutral response for the satisfaction of their jobs and for the women respondents, the frequent response was 1. This indicated that women respondent were not satisfied with their present jobs. Figure 8 and 9 summarizes this data for men and women respondents.

Figure 8:

Descriptive statistics for men respondent on their job satisfaction

Male Response- present job Satisfaction          


Mean                                 5.688972

Standard Error                   0.304546

Median                                          5

Mode                                             4

Standard Deviation             2.972123

Sample Variance                8.738663

Kurtosis                              -1.17116

Skewness                          0.074784

Range                                            9

Minimum                                        1

Maximum                                     10

Sum                                           529

Count                                            91



Figure 9:

Descriptive statistics for men respondents on job satisfaction



Female Response- present job satisfaction    


Mean                       4.887076

Standard Error         0.239422

Median                                5

Mode                                   1


Deviation                 3.002475

Sample Variance      9.06002

Kurtosis                         -1.23

Skewness                0.1742371

Range                                  9

Minimum                              1

Maximum                           10

Sum                                 772

Count                                169













Figure 10:

Histogram for men response on their job satisfaction


Histogram for men response- job satisfaction


20                                               18

15                                                  13                                                          15

10                 10                                                          7                     10

5                               4.5       9                           4                     3.5


1         2         3         4       5        6        7         8         9         10


Men response on scale 1 to 10; 1=no; 10=yes














Figure 11:

Histogram for women response- job satisfaction



40        34


25                                              24

20                                                                                17

15              13       12       13                12          10               11         13



1         2         3        4        5         6         7         8         9         10

Response of women respondent on scale of 1 to 10, 1-o: 10= yes


Independent samples t-test that is shown in figure 12 indicates that 5. 689 was the average response for male respondents while the average response for female respondents was 4. 887. Therefore this results show that men were satisfied with the present jobs compared to their women counterparts. The result of P (t<=t) is 0.0421which is less than designated significance level which was at original value of 0.05. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is likely to be rejected while the null hypothesis is proven right since it states that there exists a significance difference among women and men in regards to their job satisfaction.

Figure 12:

T-test results for present job satisfaction with

Male         Female


Mean 5.689172 4.887076
Variance 8.738663 9.057002
Observations 91 169
Pooled Variance Hypothesized Mean Difference 8.789383



Df 249
t Stat 2.052607
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.020478
t Critical one-tail 1.66787
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.040156

T Critical two-tail                        1.869528


Level of payment

Payment is another aspect of employment. It has been made clear that men get better payment compared to women. According to SoHo statistics, 80 percent of the working women are poorly paid. The female respondents were complaining that even when they are given the same position, their payment are not the same. The men’s pay is high than the women’s. The amount of payment employees contributes highly to their performance. An employee will work poorly if he feels that he is his payment is not worth his work. On the other hand, an employee who is well paid will work efficiently since he feels that the payment is worth his effort. Poor payment will also lead to low turnout of labor hence affecting the performance of a business. During the survey, it was realized that women are moving from one job to another in search of a better pay job. It was also noted that women are forced to take from one to three jobs so as to be able to cater for their needs as well as their families. The average mean response for men respondents was 6.340 while the average response for women respondents was 5.50. The frequent response for men and women respondents was 6. Figure 13 and 14 summarizes the data for men while figure 14 and 15 summarizes data for women.

Figure 13

Descriptive statistics for men respondents on their payment



Male Response to



Mean 6.340108
Median 7
6Mode Standard Deviation 7



Sample Variance 5.203341
Range 9
Minimum 1
Maximum 10
Sum 598

Count                                91



Figure 14

Descriptive statistics for women respondents on their payment






Female Response to



Mean 5.5
Median 6
Mode Standard Deviation 7



Sample Variance 5.9067343
Range 9
Minimum 1
Maximum 10
Sum 869

Count                                       169


Figure 15:

Histogram of men respondents on their payment


Male response to their payment

25                                                      22

20                                                              15.5

15                                           10.5

10                   5.5      5.5  10.5                        5.5       9m

5      3       3


           1      2       3      4       5      6      7         8       9       10

Men responses on scale of 1 to 10, 1= no: 10=yes

















Figure 16:

Histogram for women response on the level of payment

Women response to the level of payment


25                            24

20                     14            24       21       24

10             9                                                  14

5     12                                                                   13      9

0        1        2       3       4        5    6         7        8       9       10

Female responses on the scale of 1-10, 1=no: 10=yes





Figure 17:

T-test results for level of payment


Men Women
Mean 6.3401085 5.5
Variance 5.2043011 5.507553212
Observations 91 169
Pooled Variance Hypothesized Mean Difference 5.6387639



Df 249
t Stat 2.9846241
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0014159
t Critical one-tail 1.6408992
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.0030258

T Critical two-tail                        1.9695368





The main purpose of this study was to explore whether women and men differ on issues related to employment. It assumed that women are not more at ease with employment issues since they fell that there is no gender equality when it comes to employment. For instance they feel that men get better jobs as well as better payment than women. Therefore, prior to this study our survey was a sample of the convenience which was among the people we were usually acquainted with. The survey was not representative of population in general. Some points should be mentioned in order to understand the anomalies as well as the delineation of the given data. For instance women were not fully cooperative compared to their men counterparts and they failed to clearly specify some questions that were asked. However when it comes to various groups, we are given some insight on people making it easier to gain perspective on variety of topics apart from independent t-test studies. In most cases, seeing why differences exist on different variables has been beneficial. For example, why men are satisfied with their jobs? This could be as a result their good payment as well as good positions within a company. Such issues also brings about questions like how more are women and men willing to sacrifice in order to get good employment, for instance are they willing to give bribery in order to get the job. The data analysis could be useful to both the individuals and to the businesses. The individuals especially women could use this data in order to determine why men are getting better jobs, good payment and job satisfaction. This will influence them to invest in more promising careers which are commonly known to be the jobs for men, hence better payment for them which will lead to job satisfaction. Employers can use this data to determining why their employees are performing poorly in their work. The data will help them to come up with strategies designed to motivate their performance hence profits to the business. The data analysis will also help the employers to practice gender equality within the workplace so as to increase the performance of women employees. With this data analysis we have realized men are more favored by the employment environment compared to women. Figure 18 summarizes comparative analysis which exists between variables and gender.



Figure 18

T-test results summary

Dependent Variable Independent



Hypothesis Accepted
Level of education Gender Null Hypothesis


Accepted– there exist a significant difference among women and men in regards to their level of education

Job satisfaction Gender Null Hypothesis– there


Exist a significant difference among women and men in regards to their level of job satisfaction

Level of payment Gender Null Hypothesis– there


exist a significant difference amongst women and men in regards to their paymentmenreregards to their payment


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