Posted: September 17th, 2017

"Tales of the Goddess: Healing Metaphors for Women"AND "Dancing the Circle,

Part two: PROMPT: Before completing this assignment be sure to read “Tales of the Goddess: Healing Metaphors for Women”AND “Dancing the Circle, and view this week’s assigned video clips. How have these stories increased your own insight? Next describe specific client problems/issues that could benefit from these stories. For example, which stories in Chapter 3 could benefit a female client who lacks self-confidence? How would you present the story? (Remember to reference in APA.)

Video Clips and readings: #2 LINK TO: “Goddess Remembered”

#3 VIDEO OF “Tales from the Longhouse”

Include reference from: Part I Addressing Spirituality in TreatmentSpirituality and the Twelve Step program pages 111-133

Modern Psychology and Ancient WisdomChapter 3: Tales of the Goddesss: Healing Metaphors for Women, pp. 73-95


Chapter 5: Dancing the Circle: Native American Concepts of Healing, pp. 125-146

Miller, W. (1999). Integrating Spirituality Into Treatment: Resources for Practitioners. APA Press: Washington, DC.


Mijares, S. (2003). Modern Psychology and Ancient Wisdom: Psychological Healing Practices from the World’s Religious Traditions NY: Routledge Mental Health, Inc.

-Please throughly answer each question and include reference. The answers should take up the entire page.

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