Posted: September 13th, 2017

Talk about your response to Beethoven Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement with a friend who don't know about it

Talk about your response to Beethoven Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement with a friend who don’t know about it

In your essay(550-600 words), be sure to identify the pieces and to consider the entire listening experience. For example, you might use the frameworks suggested by Aaron Copland by referring to how the most distinctive features or elements of the music shape your apprecation of the music on the sensuous and expressive planes. You might also give some thought to what aspects of this music you think your friend might find intersting or strange, and why. It is expected that you will use the terminology and concepts introduced in the course. The grade for this assignment will be based ont he quality and televance of your ideas, the coherence of your essay, and the more mechanical matters of expression and style

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