Posted: December 2nd, 2013

Teaching Science for All Children.

Description: Review the resources available to you for teaching science including, but not limited to, books, software, or websites. Select three of the resources. One
resource must include technology application or integration. Describe the three resources you selected and highlight at least three ways each resource
might be used to instill scientific inquiry. Evaluate each resource using the Explore, Explain, Expand, and Evaluate (EEEE) model or another familiar model
(review Chapter 4). You may use one of the following formats or a combination of both: List Annotated bibliography **EXAMPLE**
___________________________________________________ Geisel, Theodore. Dr. Seussâ The Lorax. (1971). Retrieved from The Lorax is a childrenâs book written by Theodore Geisel. It is a
lighthearted approach to the dangers of pollution and mistreatment of the environment. This book could instill inquiry in students by: 1. Causing students
to read more about the environment 2. Students will research about how to take care of the environment 3. Students will design methods to improve
ecology and the environment. Explore – Explain – Expand – Evaluate –
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