Posted: September 17th, 2017

teachings of Pope JOHN PAUL II

SPIRITUALITY AND CONTEMPLATION in the writings and teachings of Pope JOHN PAUL II Reference to His Apostolic Exhortations Christifideles Laici, Pastores Dabo Vobis and Vita Consacrata

I would like to have a excelent dessertaion, original,Tuned with present theology.It is not writing of biography rather should be theological. it should be very good tune with catholic church teaching and theologically sound. The field is spiritual theology therefore it shold be tuned with Catholic spiritual theology.
The sources should be very authentic and has to be from the books, articles, church documents and with reference to Apostolic exhortations of Pope John Paul II.
Later I will give you the divisions of the chapters. It should be done according to my plan.

Dear sir,
Thank you for your help and personal interest.I am sending you the plan of my dessertation. Please try todo the justice. Let it be very logical and theologically sound. The chapter headings will remain the same. Try to develop each chapter well. If you have great ideas please let me know.
This is my Plan.
SPIRITUALITY AND CONTEMPLATION in the writings and teachings of Pope JOHN PAUL II
Reference to His Apostolic Exhortations Christifideles Laici, Pastores Dabo Vobis and Vita Consacrata
(Please try to give more reference to these Apostolic Exhortations)

Chapter 1 : Spirituality in the Life of Pope John Paul II
1.0 Introduction:
1.1 The Meaning of Spirituality :
Constitutive Spirituality
Operative Spirituality : Natural …. Manifests itself in many human activities : …. Implying management of body, senses, invention and use of tools, instruments, and dominion of material things. This pertains to the philosophical use of the term”spirituality”.
The Religious meaning of Spirituality : The cultivation of the Human spirit and its relationship with God …….
1.1 Christian Spirituality
1.2 Karol’s Christian Backgrond
1.3 Maturing in Christian and Priestly Spirituality
1.4 Spiritual Guide and Director
1.5 Formation of his Spiritual Theology
1.6 The Role of Comtemplation ( Here try to focus on :”How has John Paul II’s experience and understanding of contemplation (or mental prayer) contributed to his teaching as Pope on spirituality?”)
1.7 The Spirituality of John Paul II
1.7.1 God Centred Life
1.7.2 A Man of Profound Faith
1.7.3 A Man of Ardent Prayer
1.7.4 A Man of Holy Eucharist
1.7.5 A Man of Holy Rosary
1.7.6 His Holiness a Man of Holiness
1.7.2. Holiness through Immense Love for the Church Holiness of Great Hope Holiness of Profound Peace Holiness in Humanness
1.8 Spirituality in Action
1.8.1 Spiritual Action of Friendship and Dialogue
1.8.2 Spiritual Acts of Reconciliation
1.8.3. A Role Model of Reconciliation in the World of Today
1.8.4 The Mea Culpa of John Paul II
1.8.5 Spirituality in Ecumenism
1.8.6 A Man of Spiritual Communion
1.8.7 Holiness in Suffering
Note: In chapter one, it would be good to highlight certain facts like when, after his mother’s death, his father consecrated him to our Lady at Kalvaria. Such events provide an insight into the familial piety that helped form him. But it would be even more important to explain his relationship with Jan Tyranowski and his attraction to the Discalced Carmelites. In particular, was there something during this time of his life that drew him to the teaching of Saint John of the Cross and explains the reason for his own doctoral project at the Angelicum concerning the Nature of Faith in the writings of Saint John of the Cross, an exploration which because of its very nature, plunged him into explanations of “dark contemplation” and “the ray of darkness” (descriptions of a particular form of mental prayer developed in Saint John of the Cross’s corpus. We know from the Beatification of Blessed Elisabeth of the Trinity that he considered her one of the major influences on his Spiritual life – did this influence begin at this time? Finally, I would look at his major contributing to Vatican II – Guadiem et Spes #22. In helping the Church discern that Jesus Christ reveals the love of the Father, the truth about man, and his most high calling, did he help orient Vatican II in a contemplative direction, even in its teaching on the Church in the modern world? After all, such a contemplative understanding of GS22 does not seem to oppose an authentic understanding of this Vatican II when compared to his work as archbishop of Crakow, “Implementation of Vatican II” a work calling for new spiritual attitudes in the Church based on the new conscious awareness that Vatican II calls us to – the realitionship of spirituality to contemplation seems at least analogous to the relationship of attitude to conscious awareness in his writings. This would be beyond the scope of this project to answer, but it is a good question to propose because the question reinforces and justifies your project. It also suggests that passages in his major teachings that cite Guadiem et Spes #22 would be of special interest to your own investigation as you move forward.

The Teachings on Spirituality
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Spirituality in Papal documents
2.2 Spiritual themes in his writings
2.3 Spirituality and the human person
2.4 Youth and Spirituality
2.5 The role of Spirituality in the family
2.6 Religious vocation and Spirituality
2.7 Spirituality in the lives of Priests
2.8 Spirituality and piety
Chapter Two is at the heart of the thesis — because here you will provide an synthetic reading of the documents listed in your title. Very particularly, these documents concern various states of life – and you are looking for a common thread. Does he present any or all of these “spiritualities” of the various states of life as the fruit of contemplation?

The Teachings on Contemplative Spirituality
3.0 Introduction
3.1 The concept of Contemplation in General
3.2 Influence of contemplation in the life of John Paul II
3.3 John Paul II’s Understanding of Contemplation
3.4 Contemplative Spirituality and Christian Spirituality
Chapter Three – this is a very important chapter Here you could explore the analogy of attitude/conscious awareness to spirituality/contemplation. This is because in order to be able to determine whether he sees any or all spiritualities as the fruit of contemplation, we need to understand what he means by contemplation himself. Rich lines of investigation would include an elucidation of his doctoral thesis, his pastoral letter on the 400 anniversary of the death of John of the Cross, the role of Guadiem et Spes in his major encyclicals, and most importantly the apostolic exhortation Novo millennio ineunte (a document to which you should return for your last chapter – because it answers the question your director asks.

The Relevance of John Paul II’s Contemplative Spirituality
4.0 Introduction
4.1 The Relevance of Contemplative Spirituality Today
4.2 The Relevance of the Spirituality of John Paul II
4.2.1 The example of Pope John Paul’s Life
4.2.2 The example of the saints and blessed he canonized and beatified
4.3 The New ways of Promoting Contemplative Spirituality in the Church
4.3.1 The Need for Combatting Materialism in the Church
4.4 The Future Vision for a Contemplative Church
In chapter four, recounting the teachings leading up to the great jubilee and presenting the jubilee as a kind of crowning achievement of the Church during his papacy would be helpful. This sets the context for understanding the program of contemplating the face of Christ he proposes in Novo Millennio ineunte – and I believe that this will provide a basis for presenting the original contribution understanding the relationship of contemplation and spirituality in John Paul II presents the Church today.
This last chapter is very important. Theology is always a conversation where we propose ideas (a thesis) and question them, and this on the highest level of consciousness, the level where we can share an insight with that scientific precision and accuracy that will allow others to be enriched what we see. , it is important to narrow the scope of the question.

Please Note That For Each chapters I need more then 400 references(Foot Notes) and also bibliography for each chapter. Togather I need more then 1700 references. Thank you for your attention.

Please include biblical aspect in it too


I paid for 300 pages double spaced because I need this in 200 pages 1.5 spaced (title page, abrevation, general introduction, four chapters, general conclusion and bibliography)

general introduction, four or five chapters and general conclusion with very good bibliography and more then 1500 foot notes, for dessertation we need solid bibliography

I need very well writen and theologically sound and logically flowing

I NEED AN OUTLINE BEFORE YOU CAN PROCEED so that the flow can be corrected



some 50% of text needs to be revised, improved, re-written & organized, among others. also, the rest of the paper has to be thoroughly proofread & edited.

As you have seen the part of second chapter, third and fourth chapters have to be improved drastically with total changes.

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