Posted: March 27th, 2015

Technical/Instructional Manual Assignment

Technical/Instructional Manual Assignment

Front Matter Include a title page that has a descriptive title and your contact information (at least phone number and email address). The title should make clear what the manual is about. Provide an illustration on the title page that helps define the manual’s content. The visual you include should give a clear understanding of the goal of the instructions and be cited appropriately. Include a table of contents (TOC) that lists headings and subheadings exactly as they are found in the manual body. Also include a list of illustrations (and possibly tables if you use them). The TOC and list of illustrations should exactly match the content included in the manual (i.e., page numbers should be correct, wording should be identical). Consult the course textbook if you need details about how to format the TOC and List of Illustrations. Manual Body Content The body of your manual should be at minimum 4-5 double-spaced pages (with pictures or illustrations). It is hard to give an exact page requirement for this document because instructions vary in complexity and amount of information required to instruct the reader on how to complete the given task. It is more important to focus on quality of content rather than number of pages. Organize the manual in sections so that the first section introduces the process you are describing (e.g., “Introduction”). Here you should provide context for the reader (e.g., explain why the manual is needed, highlight its value, intended use, etc.). The introduction should also include: -Statement identifying target audience and level of expertise needed (i.e., beginner, intermediate, expert, etc.) -Paragraph about author’s qualifications/credentials (i.e., why are you skilled/qualified to write on this particular subject)? In following sections, logically outline the process, taking time to define your terms clearly. Be sure to describe each step (and number them) in the process clearly and completely. Include appropriate danger, warning, and caution notices throughout the text (as necessary per your topic). Additionally, you must include illustrations (i.e., photographs, diagrams, charts, tables, etc.) to help your reader complete the process you are explaining. Incorporate enough illustrations so that the reader can adequately understand what each step entails. Lastly, be sure to signal a conclusion (i.e., let your reader know when they have completed the process). It can be helpful to include trouble-shooting information and/or additional alerts at the end. Keats – JTC 300, Spring 2015 2 NOTE: Do not write entirely in paragraph form – you need to include step-by-step instructions where you write clear and concise directions for the reader to follow. *It is beneficial to have a colleague read your manual and follow the instructions before turning in the assignment so you know you have set the reader up for success

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