Posted: July 1st, 2015

Technology in Retail

Case #2 – Technology in retail



British multinational fashion retailer of clothing, shoes, make-up and accessories. It has around 500 shops worldwide – of which some 300 are in the UK – plus online operations in a number of its markets.

  1. Background and profile


  1. Pricing
  2. Promotions-Current
  3. Store layout


  • Uncontrollable variables
  1. Competition
  2. Trading area influences


  • Market profile
  1. Demographic
  2. Behavior


  • Identify at least 3 in store and 3 out of store uses of technology on behalf of their consumers.

For each of the 3 technology uses you are to do the following:

  • Identify how the technology is used by the consumer in their shopping behavior


  • Show how this retailer can respond to the use of this technology and incorporate this response into their retail strategy



  • Show how this retailer`s response can be used as a competitive advantage to their competition

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