Posted: September 16th, 2017

Technology presentation

Final Project Assignment Instructions 200 Points





Scenario: You are the assistant to the CEO of Persuade Café. As the assistant you have been asked to




create a presentation based on Surveys, other presentations, and videos about the café.



Part I: Storyboard and Preparation





 Prepare Presentation Planning Documents‐ prepare a storyboard for your presentation and




plan for the delivery of your presentation




 Deliver an oral presentation with PowerPoint as support‐ You will post your completed




presentation in Blackboard for the rest of the class.



Part II: Prepare for your Presentation




You have been asked to prepare a presentation on the Persuade Café. This presentation is described





Develop an oral presentation with PowerPoint as support to the executive team


(Hint: You might want to record narration on the slides)




You might approach this presentation as follows:




ï‚· Gather evidence to support your recommendation. For example, you might reference




examples from the customer survey results to define and present your understanding of a


particular issue. And you might cite external evidence from academic research and business


journals to explain trends. You could show how your recommendation has worked in other


businesses by describing your own experience in a credible way or by interviewing business


leaders who have faced similar challenges in similar businesses.




ï‚· Explain your idea clearly. For Persuade Café executives to understand your




recommendation, how can you describe your plan? Can you help executives visualize your


proposal in some tangible way?




ï‚· Describe how your recommendation meets the program criteria. Executives may be more




likely to accept your ideas if you explicitly map your recommendation to the criteria outlined


in Jacqueline Marcus’s presentation (i.e., ROI, feasibility, and manageable






ï‚· Acknowledge potential costs or downsides. To be most credible—and to address the third




criterion—you will want to acknowledge the financial or other costs of implementing your






ï‚· Organize your presentation to emphasize main points. Think about how to structure your




presentation. Using the direct order of communication, how will you ensure that your main


point is upfront and your supporting arguments are sequenced logically?




ï‚· Prepare a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. What visuals will support your oral




presentation? Consider text, graphics, and charts that will reinforce your main points and


make your ideas easier to understand. (If you use Prezi then please provide a link to the


presentation and share it with the instructor and other classmates)



CGS2525 Presentation Technology Final Project Ruth Manlandro






ï‚· Prepare to address questions. You’ll handle questions better if you prepare for them. What




questions do you think executives will have about your recommendation? Brainstorm a list


of possible questions and practice answering them.



Part III: Post and Review




Please post your presentation on the discussion board for other students to review. You must post


this presentation by the date listed on the Course Calendar located in the Course Syllabus. You must


review 1 student presentation and submit your review with your final project.



You must utilize the following Skills from this Course:




Creating a Presentation




Re‐using slides from another presentation


Graphics‐ including clip art and photographs, removing background from Photographs, word Art




Smart Art


Bullet Points




Video‐ editing and shortening




Importing from Word and/ or Excel



Files provided in Blackboard:




Additional Content for Website


Customer Survey results


Employee Survey results


Menu Presentation


Persuade Café Video



Submit for Grading:




Storyboard 50 points


Presentation to Executive Committee 125 points


Review of 1 student presentation 25 points



Microsoft Office Specialist Skills(MOS Test 422):



Create and Manage Presentations




ï‚· Create a Presentation


o This objective may include but is not limited to: creating blank presentations,



creating presentations using templates, importing text files into presentations,


importing Word document outlines into presentations



ï‚· Format a Presentation Using Slide Masters


o This objective may include but is not limited to: applying a slide master, adding



new layouts, modifying existing layouts, adding background images, controlling


page numbers, inserting headers and footers, modifying presentation themes



ï‚· Customize Presentation Options and Views




CGS2525 Presentation Technology Final Project Ruth Manlandro






o This objective may include but is not limited to: changing page setup options,



changing to view in color/grayscale, using views to navigate through


presentations, modifying presentation properties



ï‚· Configure Presentations to Print or Save


o This objective may include but is not limited to: setting handout print options,



printing selections from presentations, packaging presentations for CD, saving


presentations as web pages, printing presentations in grayscale, printing speaker


notes, maintaining backward compatibility



ï‚· Configure and Present Slideshows


o This objective may include but is not limited to: creating custom slideshows,



configuring slideshow options, rehearsing timing, configuring slideshow


resolution, using Presenter View, navigating within slideshows, annotating




Insert and Format Shapes and Slides




ï‚· Insert and Format Slides


o This objective may include but is not limited to: adding slides layouts, duplicating



existing slides, hiding slides, deleting slides, modifying slide backgrounds,


applying styles to slides



ï‚· Insert and Format Shapes


o This objective may include but is not limited to: modifying shape backgrounds,



applying borders to shapes, resizing shapes, inserting shapes, creating custom


shapes, applying styles to shapes



ï‚· Order and Group Shapes and Slides


o This objective may include but is not limited to: inserting section headers,



modifying slide order, aligning and grouping shapes, displaying gridlines


Create Slide Content




ï‚· Insert and Format Text


o This objective may include but is not limited to: changing text to WordArt,



creating multiple columns in a single shape, inserting hyperlinks, applying


formatting and styles to text, creating bulleted and numbered lists



ï‚· Insert and Format Tables


o This objective may include but is not limited to: creating new tables, modifying



number of rows and columns, applying table styles, importing tables from


external sources



ï‚· Insert and Format Charts


o This objective may include but is not limited to: creating and modifying chart



styles, inserting charts, modifying chart type, adding legends to charts, modifying


chart parameters, importing charts from external sources



ï‚· Insert and Format SmartArt


o This objective may include but is not limited to: adding shapes to SmartArt,



changing color of SmartArt, moving text within SmartArt shapes, reversing


direction, converting lists to SmartArt



ï‚· Insert and Format Images




CGS2525 Presentation Technology Final Project Ruth Manlandro






o This objective may include but is not limited to: resizing images, cropping



images, applying effects, applying styles



ï‚· Insert and Format Media


o This objective may include but is not limited to: adjusting media window size,



trimming timing on media clips, setting start/stop times, setting media options,


linking to external media


Apply Transitions and Animations




ï‚· Apply Transitions between Slides


o This objective may include but is not limited to: inserting transitions between



slides, managing multiple transitions, modifying transition effect options



ï‚· Animate Slide Content


o This objective may include but is not limited to: applying animations to shapes,



applying animations to text strings, adding paths to animations, modifying


animation options



ï‚· Set Timing for Transitions and Animations


o This objective may include but is not limited to: modifying duration of effects,



configuring start and finish options, reordering animations, using the Animation




Manage Multiple Presentations




ï‚· Merge Content from Multiple Presentations


o This objective may include but is not limited to: merging multiple presentations,



reusing slides from other presentations, viewing multiple presentations



ï‚· Track Changes and Resolve Differences


o This objective may include but is not limited to: setting track changes, modifying



options for track changes, discarding changes from specific users, managing





ï‚· Protect and Share Presentations


o This objective may include but is not limited to: encrypting presentations with a



password, proofing presentations, marking as final, compressing media,


embedding fonts, restricting permissions, removing presentation metadata,


checking for accessibility issues, checking for compatibility issues

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