Posted: September 16th, 2017

Term Paper

Option l: Materials Application
The purpose of this report is to analyze the behavior of specific materials for a specific use. It is expected that this report will build upon course material and is at a technical difficulty of someone with a working knowledge of MSE 227.

Option 2: Materials Selection Report
The purpose of this report is to analyze material requirements in a specific design and to compare the behavior of candidate materials. The report should include the basis for selection in terms of the design, the selection criteria, comparison between materials behavior, and specification of the material for purchase.

Topics for the Term Paper

1.    Aluminum foam 
2.    MEMS
3.    Germanium transistors
4.    Beyond Lithium rechargeable batteries 
5.    Polymer coatings for biosensors 
6.    3-D printing
7.    Electronics on paper
8.    Titanium diboride
9.    Gorilla glass
10.   Photonic Integrated Circuits

Basic Format to include 
1-paragraph Abstract
Introduction (to the topic matter) or Background information 
Material properties 
Comparison with other materials
Processing Techniques 

•    Single spaced with 1-inch margins.  Roughly 8-10 pages long; content more important than length.
•    Include figures and tables. All figures and tables MUST have appropriate captions.
•    All references must be appropriately cited in the text and listed at the end of the paper.
•    You must use at least 5 references from a variety of sources other than the Callister/Rethwisch text book (reference books, journals, engineering magazines, internet). If you use Callister/Rethwisch, this is in addition to the 5.

Guidelines and criteria for Term paper
•    Literature research is important; the ability to find relevant information. The quality of the information you include in your paper.
•    Appropriate technical level
•    Proper focus; this is a college level engineering course; the focus should be on materials and engineering; (no infommercials)
•    Time Management – start early, so you don’t have to rush.
•    End result: Coherent paper with good technical content

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