Posted: September 16th, 2017


MNGT 370
The final paper will provide you with an opportunity to use the management
knowledge you learned from this class to analyze automaker Tesla.
You should examine three out of the following aspects for Tesla: the business
environment for a company, globalization, diversity, ethics and corporate social
responsibility, leadership, motivation or teamwork. Also examine the
company’s current environments (using a SWOT analysis), challenges, and give
recommendations for the company’s next 5 years and next 10 years.

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The typewritten final paper should be double-spaced with 12 point Times
Roman font and standard 1 inch margins. It should be a minimum of 14
pages excluding exhibits and appendices. Please cite your references in
your paper. If you do not know how to cite references, look at the
endnotes of any chapter in your textbook.
So, where do you start?
-Do your research to conduct a SWOT analysis.
-Do your research on three of the aspects of your choosing and share
your findings.
– Present alternative courses of action for the company to take over the
next 5 to 10 years.
-Give your recommendation on which course of action would be the best
and why you believe it is the best course of action.
Please let me know of any questions you have.

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