Posted: April 13th, 2015



Order Description

In-Class Exam Outline

You may bring an outline of your responses to the extended answer questions to the in-class exam. You may find it helpful to complete an outline for each of the Workshop Activities as you complete them in the Study Guide and workshops. Your outline should have the following components:

Introductory sentence: write a sentence that states your argument or thesis statement.

Main ideas and supporting evidence: present your main ideas and supporting evidence in dot point form (i.e. do not write full sentences).

I. First main idea
A. Supporting evidence(reference)
B. Supporting evidence (reference)
C. Supporting evidence (reference)

II. Second main idea
A. Supporting evidence(reference)
B. Supporting evidence (reference)
C. Supporting evidence (reference)

III. Third main idea
A. Supporting evidence(reference)
B. Supporting evidence (reference)
C. Supporting evidence (reference)

Concluding sentence: write a sentence that summarises your response.

Question 1: please write around 400 words for both (A) and (B), AND make an outline as mentioned above for this question:

1- (A) Which explanation of the origins of language seems most reasonable to you? Why?
Please write about Divine source.
2- (B) Which explanation of the origins of language seems most unreasonable to you? Why?
Please write about Genetic source.
Question 2: please write around 300 words for both (A) and (B), AND make an outline as mentioned above for this question:

(A) How do you think knowledge of morphology would be useful for teaching English?

(B) To what extent do you think teaching should explicitly focus on morphology?

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scientific lab report

Order Description

Lab report( the discussion section)

The discussion MUST be correctly and well referenced with current relevant literature from peer reviewed scientific journals. The discussion should have 3 sections.
Section 1: Discuss the final results you obtained for each stage. Clearly discuss the main findings from each section and how one results section lead on to the next, highlighting any issues that may have affected your results and/or progression from one stage to the next stage. i.e. create a logical progression of the ‘flow’ of the whole experiment from start to finish.
Section 2: You should then come to a final conclusion discussion point as to the success or otherwise of the entire experiment. What conclusions can you draw from the project and the final result.
Section 3: Finally you should discuss what would you and/or other researches could/should do next with your findings. Here you should include a Plasmid Map(s) figure (Figure 5). This should be produced from the ‘mapping’. You MUST also discuss what’s been previously beeb published in the literature about this research topic. State what the key impact of your results in relation to these previous findings is. Why should other people care about your ‘result’ and what could you or they do to further this research.

TROVE 2colony

Prepare LB ampicillin/IPTG/-gal agar plates:

The plates were made and kept. The aim of making these plates was to be used in the transformation experiment. Also, LB ampicillin broth media was prepared in order to used for selective growth of plasmid containing E.coli cells in liquid culture. Then a colony of plasmid containing E.coli cells was inculcated into liquid selection media. Ultimately, the cells the of the K562 chronic myeloid leukaemia cells was observed. After spinning down and responding the cells in 20mL of fresh RPMI media, it found that the total cell count for Slot A  was 3.97×10^5 cells/ml , while in Slot B was count: 3.12×10^5 cells/ml.

The discussion MUST be correctly and well referenced with current relevant literature from peer reviewed scientific journals. The discussion should have 3 sections.
1.    Section 1: Discuss the final results you obtained for each stage. Clearly discuss the main findings from each section and how one results section lead on to the next, highlighting any issues that may have affected your results and/or progression from one stage to the next stage. i.e. create a logical progression of the ‘flow’ of the whole experiment from start to finish.
2.    Section 2: You should then come to a final conclusion discussion point as to the success or otherwise of the entire experiment. What conclusions can you draw from the project and the final result.
3.    Section 3: Finally you should discuss what would you and/or other researches could/should do next with your findings. Here you should include a Plasmid Map(s) figure (Figure 5). This should be produced from the ‘mapping’. You MUST also discuss what’s been previously beeb published in the literature about this research topic. State what the key impact of your results in relation to these previous findings is. Why should other people care about your ‘result’ and what could you or they do to further this research.

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