Posted: September 16th, 2017

Texas A&M

Texas A&M

Address these issues in a paper of seven-to-ten pages, double-spaced. Where appropriate, apply the communications theories.

Read about the Texas A&M bonfire disaster at  Also read the report of the internal investigation of the incident which is linked to this site.  Texas_A&M_FEMA.pdf Texas_A&M_Final.pdf

What internal communications failures are identified as having led to the incident? What communications difficulties are identified by FEMA as having arisen during the response to the incident? As an emergency communications manager in a public agency, how would you have dealt with these problems? What plans would you make for future incidents in view of the problems encountered. As the emergency communications manager for the university, how would you have dealt with these problems? What plans would you make for dealing with future incidents?

Assume that you are the emergency communications manager for the university and the report of the internal investigation is to be released today. How are you going to respond to the report? What actions are you going to want to tell the media that the university is taking to address its findings and prevent any future such problems?

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