Posted: July 20th, 2015

That Old Cape Magic

Write a 500 word essay (not more!) on:
Discuss That Old Cape Magic (see forum for ideas to use) as cultural criticism and use this as your thesis (focus) for your discussion of the novel.
Perhaps (to help you decide) you select an aspect of the book that you especially like or one that is so important readers need to see it and hear from you about WHY it is so important. These are suggestions.

Example thesis:
Russo’s That Old Cape Magic has many critiques of post-modern American society, but one that stands out is Russo’s relentless focus on the crumbling of the American nuclear family. We see this early in his book where we are told by the protagonist’s daughter that she lived her life in fear of her parents getting divorced since she saw so many of friends’ lives result in their parents’ divorce.

Body of paper:
Next, a student would provide DETAILS and EXAMPLES from the novel for SUPPORT of this thesis. Use short exact quotes from the novel and be sure to give page numbers also.

Finally, say what why you think Russo took up this theme of the disintegration of the American family. Perhaps here you might say a few words about the ending of the book.

Spoiler alert: I will say NOW how the book ends (some of you may not be done yet), but it should provide you with thought about Russo’s motives for writing this book.
So, NOTICE how the book ends.

Works Cited:
Students must include a WORKS CITED page. This is simple; just put down in proper MLA form the one book we read. “That Old Cape Magic”

Please do not write more than 500 words. Submit on the student blackboard and on school turnitin account. Good luck.

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