Posted: March 12th, 2015

The Bargaining Process and Outcomes

The Bargaining Process and Outcomes

Order Description

This module focuses on the process and activities by which employers, workers and other third party neutrals arrive at a collective bargaining agreement. It also covers the main bargaining subjects (i.e. economic and administrative issues) that are of concern or interest to employers, workers, and unions; primarily the wage and effort bargain, contingent benefits, individual security and work rules, employee training, health and safety, and union security and management rights to name a few. Finally, the problems of contract failure (work stoppages), impasse resolution procedures and cooperative approaches by unions and management’s to reduce conflict are presented.

How the parties live with collective bargaining agreement during the life of the contract (i.e. the role and use of a grievance procedure and labor arbitration) is addressed in the next module.

Holley and Jennings chapters 7 to 9

Based on your reading of case studies 8.1 and 9.1, how well does the current labor relations system deal with the type of issues that are found in the workplace? Refer to the questions found at the end of the case studies to help you think about your response.

Your assignment needs to be presented in a professional manner. It should include your name, course, the title of assignment, professor’s name, date, task, and a list of sources used, if applicable. Please be sure to cite sources using a consistent format (APA, MLA, etc.).

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