Posted: September 13th, 2017

The Big Squeeze

Choose a The Big Squeeze chapter listed below, which is not part of the assigned reading: • Chapter 9 “Taking the High Road,” about corporations that treat employees well • Chapter 10, “Overstressed and Overstretched,” about Americans working more hours

Choose a The Big Squeeze chapter listed below, which is not part of the assigned reading:
•    Chapter 9 “Taking the High Road,” about corporations that treat employees well
•    Chapter 10, “Overstressed and Overstretched,” about Americans working more hours per year than workers in any other industrial nation
•    Chapter 14, “Starting Out Means a Steeper Climb,” about the situation of young workers

Find at least three newspaper or magazine articles on this topic that have been written in the last twenty-four months.  Write a paper on your topic. In the first
two-thirds of your paper summarize the readings. In the final one-third of your paper provide an analysis of what you’ve read.

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