Posted: September 13th, 2017

The book is Understanding art 10th edition 1.

The book is Understanding art 10th edition
Mies van der Rohe, Farnsworth House, Plano, Illinois, 1950 and Frank Lloyd Wright, Kauffmann House (“Fallingwater”), Bear Run, PA, 1937
In creating works of architecture, architects must not only be sensitive to the aesthetics of their structures, but they must also pay attention to the relationships between their structures and the building sites. Reread the passage on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater on p. 227 and read ahead on Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House (p. 523). Both were built as single family homes and both incorporate a landscape environment that is crucial to the architecture. Compare and contrast the way these two homes are integrated with (or antagonistic to) their setting. In what ways are they similar, and how does the interaction between building and natural environment function differently?
2.   Compare and contrast one of the following three sets (your choice):
1) Venus of Villendorf (p. 271) and Cycladic idol ( p. 286)
2) Victory Stele of Naram Sin (p. 275) and Stele inscribed with the Law Code of Hammurabi (p. 275)
3) Statue of Khafre from Gizeh (p. 279) and Pillar statue of Akhenaton from Temple of Amen-Re, Karnak (p. 284)
Use stylistic analysis along with what you have learned from the textbook to discuss the similarities and differences in the paired pieces. Then explain why these observations are important. In other words, what do these attributes tell us about the cultures that made them?
3.    Non-Western art is widely recognized by art historians as one of the defining influences on the development of European modernism.  Reread the passages in your textbook on African Art and Picasso (p. 419) and Van Gogh and Japanese woodblock prints (p. 438).  How do you feel about European artists appropriating aspects of Non-Western art into their work?  Is there a potential problem with this, or is it a positive development?  Refer to an image, quote, or information from Chapter 18 as part of your answer.
Note:  In this question, I am not asking so much about appropriation, but rather, the appropriation of Non-Western cultures.
4.    What is the biggest thing you think you will take away from this Art course? What kind of effect do you think the new knowledge or new ideas you’ve acquired might have on your life and/or future scholastic or career endeavors?

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