Posted: September 13th, 2017

The book Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

The book Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

read the book their eyes were watching god by zora neale hurston. you have to select a paragraph( a very small paragraph) from the book their eyes were watching god by zora neale hurston if is possible the book with this
isbn # 9780060838696 and reading assignment analyze the paragraph using 33 questions making a essay with this questions. no all the question apply) i need the paragraph. page numer from th paragraph what part of the book ex middle or down etc. this information about the paragraph is for me not included in the essay)analyze paragraph using the questions. write the essay format and make mla guideline questions 1- where is the passage situated in the book? 2-what events come before it and what event happen after it? 3- does the passage echo or foreshadow other moment in the book? 4- what references are there to time?minutes?hours?months?years 5-what words,phrases,or images allude to time? 6-what pace do these words,phrases and images suggest? 7- what does this pacemean for the meanig of the passage? 8-has the author created a timing or rhythm to the passage?play john mayers”stop this train”- authors also use rhythm in the sequency of their words to convey a feeling 9-how is the pace of the passage related to the events that unfold? 10-if the narrator is character in the story, what is the narrator’s age/time of life(child,old,man etc) 11-how does the narrato’s age impact the passage and it/s meaning? 12-what feeling do you get from the narrator?exitement? a sense of adventure?sadness? 13- what specific passage convey they feeling of the narrator? 14- what is the relationship between the narrator and the characteristic 15 is there particular tone in the passage? 16 what is the relationship between the narrator and the text? 17 what are the espcific images in the passage(for ex” thougts falling off the shell”)? 18 what visual picture do you get from this images? 19 how do these images contribute to the meaning of the passage? 20 are these recurring symbols or objects that take on specific importance? 21 what similes (compaison using”as” or “like”)or metaphors(comparisons witout”as” or “like”) are employes? 22 define unfamiliar words? 23 locate powerful words like active verbs(luch,jolt,peer, etc.).how do they affect the impression of the passage 24 is there repetition of words? 25 are theres similar words being presented(motion,move,foward,go)? 26 is the sentence structureconventional or unconvertional? ex are these sentences few breaks using nontraditional puntuation? 27 how does the sentences structure add to the meaning of the passage? 28 what are the examples of assonance(repetition of vowels sound) and alliteration(repetition of consonant sounds? 29how do all of these language devices effects the impression the pasage makes on you? 30 does the passage allude to other literary works or historical events or cultural markers? 31 what significance does the passage for the broader meaning /themes of the piece? 32 doesthe apperance(is the separated to stand out from other paragraphs or soes it naturally into the tex)an arragment of the passage (is it the first sentence of the paragraph or the entired work,or is the last sentences of the paragraph or the entired work)contribute to it’s meaning 33 other points? and the conclusion have to have specific passage and where from the paragraph the conclucion caming from??

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