Posted: September 13th, 2017

The Buddhist Tradition

Portfolio Summary Report                                                                                            TEAM_17_106515S1MMT2G1                                            19/05/2015

The Buddhist Tradition

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In posting your Reflections for this assignment, you may wish to reflect on a number of topics about what you have learned so far. To help your thinking process, how about choosing any one of the following questions:
Remember, Reflection Paragraphs are your own thoughts.
• Buddhists past and present have looked to the incidents in Buddha’s life for inspiration. Pick any three major episodes in the Buddha’s life and discuss what lessons they impart to a typical Buddhist householder,
• Name some aspects of Protestant Christianity that were adopted by Buddhist reformers, shaping the nineteenth and twentieth century revitalization movements called protestant Buddhism.
• In your opinion, how would a modern Buddhist revivalist present the Dharma and argue that it remains a religion relevant to life in the 21st. century?
• Explain how Buddhist doctrine can argue for reincarnation but against the existence of an immortal soul.
• In what sense can the Buddha be called the great Physician?
• Discuss what does your textbook say about the status of women in the Buddhist tradition.
• Questions to ponder upon from Ellwood and McGraw’s Article
? How do you think the advent of the Buddhist tradition in India affected women’s lives?
? Discuss the issues surrounding the advent and development of the nun’s Samgha.
? Discuss women in contemporary Buddhist tradition dealing with the woman question and the arguments made by contemporary western feminists.

There are seven questions, please pick any one you feel confident.
There are three resources you may go through:
1. Lewis, Todd. 2009. Buddhism: Ways to Nirvana. In World Religions Today, Cdn. edn., eds. John L. Esposito, Darrell J. Fasching & Todd Lewis, 294-350. New York: Oxford University Press.
2. Amore, Roy C. 2012. The Buddhist Tradition. In A Concise Introduction to World Religions, SECOND EDITION, PP.377-435. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
3. Ellwood, Robert S. and McGraw Barbara A. Women in Buddhism. In Many Peoples, many Faiths: Women and Men in World Religions, Pearson Education, Canada, 2009, pp150-160.

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