Posted: November 16th, 2014

"The Chinese Presence in Southeast Asia" as well as the section entitle the 'The Chinese' , consider the role the Chinese have played in shaping the economic, cultural, and political landscape of Southeast Asia.

After reading both sides of the debate concerning “The Chinese Presence in Southeast Asia”  as well as the section entitle the ‘The Chinese’ , consider the role the Chinese have played in shaping the economic, cultural, and political landscape of Southeast Asia.
2. Do you think that this apology was sufficient? Would any apology suffice for the injustices inflicted on the indigenous populations of Australia?  If not, what purpose does a formal apology like this serve?
Should monetary reparations follow?  Are either of these measures (an apology  or reparations) sufficient to repair the wrongs done to the indigenous people of what is today Australia?
What obligations do you think the Australian government today should have for the past wrongs done to Aborigines?
How are the effects of past injustices still apparent today in Australia?
1. one would have to look at the size and power China has, and has had. It is only quite natural to assume they would have impacts culturally, politically and economically, but beyond assumptions the Chinese investments in Southeast Asia more than validate their influence. In terms of stability, when I think of a super power creating stability I have to sort through ideas of how they may have at first influenced the instability, or enabled relative growth.
In this situation, I do believe that the presence of the Chinese are partially essential to the economies in Southeast Asia. Many of the Chinese businesses have been administrated by the same family over generations. These families have created successful businesses that promote trade helping the growth of the economy of this nations.
2. It’s really hart to put one’s self into the indigenous of Australia position. I do believe that the attempt of the Australian government to assimilate the Aboriginal population was wrong. Offering the option and making the adaptation process “easier” for them is one thing, but to take these children from their parents and force them to adopt a new lifestyle is unmoral. The apology it self is not enough, because the government injustice changed the lives of many indigenous for ever, and the government cannot repair the damages. The purpose of the apology was to make it clear and public, that the government had recognized the mistake that they made, by tearing apart families to assimilate their children to “normal” society.


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