Posted: September 13th, 2017

The color of freedom: movie review

The color of freedom: movie review

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You and a partner will present a Siskel and Ebert type review of a movie dealing with South Africa. Never heard of Siskel and Ebert? Then check out one of their reviews.

Just as Siskel and Ebert did it, I want each of you to independently review one film. During class, you will lead us on an insightful discussion of your movie, letting us know in what way, if at all, it emphasized, expanded on, or simply reinforced themes we have discussed in this course. Include film clips to illustrate your points. Be sure to give the film either a thumbs up or down. You and your partner do not have to agree. In fact, life is always more interesting when there is more than one point of view. You and your partner’s presentation should take approximately 10-15 minutes.

• Watch the movie and write your individual review, that is, you and your partner have to independently write your own reviews. Your review should start with a quick summary of the plot, but then most of your review should be your analysis of the movie. Did you like it? Why or why not? Did it teach you anything new that you had not known about South Africa or did it in any way deepen your understanding of what you already knew? What do you think the director could have done to improve the movie experience? Etc. This written review should be 3 whole pages in length.
pls note sources if any should only be the movie itself

*************************Please write review on***********************
The Color of Freedom (rent from Netflix?)
(R) 118 min. 2007 Based on the true story of the bond that develops between Mandela and James Gregory, one of his white prison guards.

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