Posted: September 13th, 2017

The Corporate Rundown: Examine and analyze its governance principles, structures, and practices Custom Essay

Review GENERAL MOTORS Company. Then, we’d like you to examine and analyze its governance principles, structures, and practices.
Here’s how we recommend approaching the assignment:
Head to to access your company’s financial statements (or any site where you feel comfortable

accessing your company’s financial statements, including the company’s own homepage).
Pull up the proxy statement (it’v s also called the 14A, the DEF14A, and occasionally the PRE14A).
Read in entirety and reflect.
Write a 6 page paper divided in the next section:
Determine is the board seems appropriately constituted Are these people qualified to be governing a business of

this type? (Read their bios and even Google them for more info)
Assess the committees the board members sit on and if they are appropriately staffed.
Assess the management, how long have they been with the company, and their relative experience
Evaluate the board’s philosophy on executive compensation.
Discuss the metrics the CEO’s inventive compensation are tied to and whether they are sound metrics or not.
Determine if compensation is reasonable, considering the company’s financial performance.
Determine if related party transactions (sometimes called “transactions with related parties”) exist, and if they

do, whether they are reasonable.

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