Posted: September 13th, 2017

The Coursework Tasks

The Coursework Tasks

For this piece of individual coursework, you are required to apply simulation modelling to deliver the tasks below:

Task 1- Provide an Introduction to the problem including: problem brief, main aim, objectives, tools and techniques, and key performance indicators.

Task 2- Use the tabular form to define and analyse the NHS organisation problem. This analysis includes decomposing the system being investigated into its main components including: entities, attributes, activities, state variables, and events.

Task 3- An appropriate flowchart with detailed explanations.

Task 4- Obtain the best fit of patient inter-arrival times using the Input-Analyser tool.

Task 5- Develop a business simulation model to imitate the above security check system (“As-Is” situation). Five simulation runs are required, at least two experiments (scenarios) to:
i.    Reduce the overall simulation time.
ii.    Achieve a reduced queue at each service facility.
iii.    Increase the resource(s)/ service facility(s) utilisations.
iv.    Reduce average waiting time.

A comparison via Excel diagrams of the “As-Is” scenario with any other improvement scenarios “What-If” is required.

Task 6- Conclusion and Recommendations for further improvement (bullet points)


•    This assignment has to be completed as an individual project.
•    You will need to adopt the report structure provided below, use examples and cases from text books, journals, papers and reports to support your arguments and reference properly.
•    The structure of the report (the outlines below have to be linked with the coursework tasks above):
–    Title page (To include report title)
–    Table of contents
–    Introduction
–    The main body of the Report including
o    Problem Definition
o    Problem Analysis
o    The logical diagram (flowchart) including why this flowchart, the flowchart diagram and explanation.

o    The Distribution fitting, reason behind this fitting, the best fit, all comparison, and explanation.
o    Simulation Modelling
?    Description of the “As-Is” model
?    Snapshot
?    Excel results of each KPI
?    Analysis and discussion
?    Description of each “What-If” scenario
?    Snapshot
?    Excel results of each KPI
?    Analysis and discussion
?    Overall Excel chart comparisons between “As-Is” and “What-If”
o    Conclusion
o    Bibliography/References
o    Appendices (if found)

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