Posted: September 13th, 2017

The Detroit Penguins play in the American Ice Hockey League. The Penguins play in the Downtown Arena (owned and managed by the City of Detroit)

BU316 Exercise 2.1

Problem 14-23 (p. 533)
1. Complete the exercise below using the formula(s) as appropriate.
2. Save your work.
3. Submit the Excel workbook for grading by uploading to Questa.

The Detroit Penguins play in the American Ice Hockey League. The Penguins play in the Downtown  Arena (owned and managed by the City of Detroit), which
has a capacity of 15,000 seats (5,000 lower-tier seats and 10,000 upper-tier seats).  The Downtown Arena charges the Penguins a per-ticket charge for use of its facility.
All tickets are sold by the Reservation Network, which charges the Penguins  a reservation fee per ticket.  The Penguins’ budgeted contribution margin for each type
of ticket in 2012 is computed as follows:
Lower-tier Tickets    Upper-Tier Tickets
Selling price                $35     $14
Downtown Arena fee                10     6
Reservation Network fee                5     3
Contribution margin per ticket                $20     $5

The budgeted and actual average attendance figures per game are as follows:

Budgeted Seats Sold    Actual Seats Sold
Lower-tier        4,000     3,300
Upper-tier        6,000     7,700
Total        10,000     11,000

There was no difference between the budgeted and actual contribution margin for lower-tier or upper-tier seats.

The manager of the Penguins was delighted that the actual attendance was 10% above budgeted attendance per game, especially given the
depressed state of the local economy in the past six months.

1.     Compute the sales-volume variance for each type of ticket and in total for the Detroit Penguins in 2012. (Calculate all variances in terms of contribution margins.)
2.    Compute the sales-quantity and sales-mix variances for each type of tickets and in total in 2012.

Flexible Budget:            Actual Units of            Static Budget:
Actual Units of            All Products Sold            Budgeted Units of
All Products Sold            × Budgeted Sales Mix            All Products Sold
× Actual Sales Mix            × Budgeted Contribution             × Budgeted Sales Mix
× Budgeted Contribution            Margin per Unit            × Budgeted Contribution
Margin per Unit                        Margin per Unit


Sales-mix variance            Sales-quantity variance

Sales-volume variance


$0                 F
Sales-mix variance            Sales-quantity variance

Sales-volume variance


Total Sales-mix variance            Sales-quantity variance
F: favorable on operating income
U: unfavorable on operating income

Total Sales-volume variance

3.    Present a summary of the variances in requirements 1 and 2.  Comment on the results.


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