Posted: December 5th, 2014

The Devil and Tom Walker

The Devil and Tom Walker

Project description
Write an essay on the story the Devil and Tom Walker. The question is below. The essay should follow the standards of English grammar, in a formal essay format, with an introduction and thesis, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion, and it MUST have examples, including quotes, from the story.

The question is at the end of the story, all of Tom’s possessions disappear or are destroyed. Why do you think this happens? Why would Washington Irving, who is critical of certain practices of greedy people, end the story this way? Write a reflection of three pages on why you think it ends this way. Please be sure to use examples from the story to make your point.

These are the instruction to the essay and I hope they help you.You already have the question.

A. catchy Title 2. Paragraph 1: Introduction A. Hook B. Author c. Title D. Main characters e. A short summary F. Thesis 3.

Paragraph 2: First Body Paragraph A. Topic Sentence ( What this paragraph will discuss, how it will prove your thesis) B. Context for quote 1. Who says it? 2. What’s happening in the text when they say it? c. Quote from the text ( cited appropriately) D. Analysis of the quote: How does it prove your thesis? E. Closing sentence 4.

Paragraph 3: Second Body Paragraph A. Topic sentence What this paragraph will discuss how it will prove your thesis B. Context for the qoute 1. Who said it? 2. What’s happening in the text when they said it ? c. Quote from the text (cited appropriately) D. Analysis of the quote: How does it prove your thesis? E. Closing sentence( wrap up the paragraph to effectively transition to the next paragraph

Paragraph 4: Third body Paragraph A. Topic sentence ( what this paragraph will discuss, how it will prove your thesis) B. Context for quote 1. Who says it? 2. Whats happening in the text when they say it? C.Quote from the text ( cited appropriately) D. Analysis of the quote: How does it prove your thesis? E. Closing sentence ( wrap up the paragraph to effectively transition to next paragraph 5.

Conclusion (you do not necessarily have to follow this order, but include the following): a. summarize your argument b. Extend the argument C. Show why the text is important


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