Posted: December 4th, 2013

(The Diary of Anne Frank)characters

MLA heading
Type in Times Roman 12 black font throughout
Include a title for your essay
At least 4 paragraphs
Begin with an attention-getter
Does the introduction include the play’s title in italics
Does it introduce the two characters being compared and contrasted
Does the information explain similarities and differences of the characters
Include transition words and phrases(Ex.both,also,unlike,in contrast)to point out important comparisons and contrasts
Details include a description of each character’s personality, behavior,relationships to each others etc?
A quote from each character is included to show his/her words and personality?
Information is organized by either subject or feature organization?
Have a clear conclusion that summarizes the key similarities and differences of your characters/subjects

I am an eight grader so don’t over do it. Topic is over the book of “The diary of Anne Frank “the play Scene 1 and 2.My characters I picked was Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Van Daan. THANK YOU!
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